What if we put a Duck's head on top of Thanos' body! 

It'd look something... like this!

Ah good shower felt good let's rest a bit before work


Now I'm sad for no reason thanks brain

Selfie, eye contact, dysphoria 

Can't have face dysphoria if I've got no face

Me, hearing a bell toll: haha sick nice bell
Me, after finding out for whom the bell tolls: fuck! Shit!!

mysterious new bold

who could they be

one thing's for certain, they're a friend

I keep my keyring on a carabiner, which I clip to my belt loop, and last time I was at a big family function my uncle saw it and was like "ah, I remember when I used to do that. Too bad you can't live that way forever!"

??? what exactly the fuck could that possibly mean??? Who is going to stop me from holding my keys this way. God damn nobody, Bob

I talked to my friend. I am not fond of this.

β€” Tirist Astisaban, Woodworker

bad probably. i dont know what other peoples standards are for what is considered "bad" anymore 

getting into a truly gnarly nude skateboarding wipeout, getting scabs across 100% of the surface of my body, remaining perfectly motionless for 4 to 6 weeks, and then molting like a cicada

It's funny how masto has been giving me more dopamine than any other social media lately

gif of a lizer 

Endotherms are not warm rock, lizr

I love these drawings of link from the legend of zelda game manual they are incredible

I completely forgot about the pre-pandemic stock dumping. Time is a fuck.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!