I wonder how we'd explain the concept of "cute" to aliens...
"aww, isn't he cute!"
"over there, he's adorable!"
"human, that's an apex predator that routinely kills and eats mammals far larger than you"
"his box was too smol but he still sits!"
"fucking humans"
@InspectorCaracal I love all those posts
"lemme get this straight, you lot first got to space by riding on top of an explosion?"
"jesus fuck"
@InspectorCaracal @troubleMoney even more precisely in point, this birdsite thread about how humans will domesticate ANYTHING: https://twitter.com/leavittalone/status/711231443616272384
@troubleMoney you do realise that some aliens in our galaxy, are, with high probability, octopuses.?
@meena I am of course referring to non-octopus aliens
We're fully aware of the concept of cute
@troubleMoney Probably not dissimilar to how we look at a Japanese woman whose vocal range suddenly rockets up two octaves as she goes "Kawa-a-a-a-iiiii!!!"
@troubleMoney This reminds me of a Tumblr post from years ago about humans being the Most Terrifying to aliens because we do things like eat spicy food and keep large predators for pets