Okay this Huawei thing is really bringing up a few issues around a lot of standards bodies being based in the US
The SD Association is based in California which means that Huawei can't say their products support SD cards
And the Wi-Fi Alliance is based in Texas which means Huawei won't be to certify that their products work with wi-fi
And the Bluetooth SIG is based in Washington, which means they can't use Bluetooth
This is a problem
I know exactly zero ppl (including me) who check the box for those certifying bodies.
The fact is it will work with all those protocols.
No problem.
@gemlog not with bluetooth it won't
Sure, SD cards could still be supported in MMC mode, and wi-fi certification isn't too important, but bluetooth requires licensing
licensing that huawei cannot now possibly get which means they can't use bluetooth any more
this isn't even going in to the much larger issue of one idiot being able to prevent a manufacturer from certifying any of their products against international standards, that is the massive problem here
@troubleMoney Agreed. That's why I only said "some" countries. Although, frankly, I don't know which ones exactly.