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Jim Guthrie’s And We Got Older popped into my head tonight, and it’s so perfectly on brand with my mood that I’m gonna learn to play it.

So I’m off with the next couple weeks and I’m thinking about trying to actually buckle down and learn Unity. (I’m more interested in UE for a number of reasons, but Unity has immediate job Utility at my actual job so…)
I’m thinking I might take one of my pico8 games and try and reimplement it over there. I figure that should keep me from getting too out of pocket with scope and from getting lost in design hell. Curious to see how this goes.

Venting and Whining 

Sometimes I think about how annoying it is being an aging, non-passing, demi, sapphic tran in a cis-heteronormative society.
Being “exotic” is for the birds. I appreciate and am grateful for all the friends I’ve made from various “dating” apps, but dang, it’d be nice to be chosen for a change. Ya girl’s hurtin in the intimacy department. 🥱

Ah well, vent over.

AbuhRae boosted

My name is Paul Nicholas - I'm a Software Engineer by day (mostly C# #DotNet) and enjoy doing #GameDev by night 👨‍💻

My main hobby of late has been creating #demake's with #Pico8 - inc. #LowMemSky & #SCUMM8

Most recently, I released #UnDUNE2 - The Demaking of a Dynasty:

Currently, I'm working on SAGE, my Simple Adventure Game Engine. Follow my progress here:

For everything else:


AbuhRae boosted

Shared by my Daughter
"I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are"

In response to "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

I did a cover of Landslide by Fleetwood Mac!

I wanted to do a simpler cover song than I'd done recently, so originally I was going to go with just voice and guitar, but then I couldn't help layering it up a bit.

AbuhRae boosted

for the love of god dont try to draw lessons from dwarf fortress' steam launch. you're not making dwarf fortress. you will never make dwarf fortress. nobody will ever make dwarf fortress ever again

AbuhRae boosted

sexual implications. the one good tweet from my old private twitter 

[this actually happened to me, in 2019]

Cute girl: So. Before we proceed. How do you feel about Marx?
Me (nervous): Umm look I guess I'm a socialist but I don't really know enough about the political theory behind it
Her: ...
Me: I'm sorry
Her: ...
Her: Marks. Can I leave marks on your skin

AbuhRae boosted

2022 Microsoft Teams Unwrapped

You spent 4,182 minutes talking on mute.
You attended 15,011 meetings that could have been an email
You visibly nodded thoughtfully at totally implausible ideas 623 times

AbuhRae boosted

PSA: Lilies are dangerously toxic to cats. Even one small sniff or nibble can cause kidney failure and death. Rapid vet intervention cannot reliably save their lives.

*Never* keep true lilies (lilium) in the house if you have cats.

Make sure your family and friends know too! There's no warning at the store about the danger of lilies, so they get around in the holidays.

#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

A little known feature of #Mastodon is the ability to create your own personal notes about an account.
This is a great way to potentially remind yourself why you follow particular accounts (or just about any other reason you can think of).

Also, these notes are private. The account does not know what you have written down, nor the fact that you have even made these notes.

Please #boost to help spread the knowledge around your networks. ☺️
#MastodonTips #Feditips #Notes

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

Q: “How many devs on a message board does it take to screw in a light bulb?”

A: “Why are you trying to do that?”

AbuhRae boosted

Did you know you can tell the age of a fake Christmas tree by counting the rings of tape?

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AbuhRae boosted

Trans comedian set with references to drugs and transphobia 

This stand up set from Clara Blackstone deserves way more views

AbuhRae boosted
Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!