
This is being shared around by conservatives on hellsite.

It greatly amuses me that this is a joke, and the people who are sharing it around and completely sincerely believing it's real, they're the punchline.

@distressedegg here's the acoustic panel I made from your flag. And also the first acoustic panel I made adjacent to it. Really keeps my room nice and quiet.

Butt, probably nsfw 

Look, you can't fool me, she isn't wearing anything, that's just a picture of a butt

I'm creating a soundcloud for a thing and I particularly like their gender options.

Gender non-conforming? Oh, you mean you have a custom gender.

*slaps gender* just got this baby back from the detailing shop. Fully custom.

I don't know what I walked into in my regular burrito shop but it's aesthetic as fuck.

(Bad) Architecture 

I had to look at this monstrosity, so now you do, too.

Also, hi @kate_wagner

While I'm sharing out tips, here's a papper spray relief solution you can make at home!

I've personally witnessed the efficacy of this solution against OC (pepper) spray. The person sprayed their arm purposely with it, let it sit, and then treated the affected area with solution. Relief was almost immediate.

Here's a link where more information can be found:

This log cabin on wheels is a fucking life goal.

Shine on you crazy Russians.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!