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@heartles It's a fair criticism. It's used to pad time but at least they usually only do it once per episode, max.

@starwall I would like to help.

Unfortunately I'm too far away.


@patience "You continuing to make money relies on you rejecting as few rides as possible.

Also, you picked up someone from the wrong part of town, whose assignment to you you had no control over.

Get fucked"

Back here for a bit while undergoes construction.

Fascist militias marching downtown. They want to think they own the place.

Wannabe cops can get the boot right along with the real ones.

I'm moving to

All of my posts going forward will be on there. I'm interested in this. Tip me up and over.

@DeltaFlood the ISS falls towards the ground. The ISS moves laterally across the sky. The ISS continuously falls towards the ground but does not get any closer because the ground recedes away from the ISS because of curvature. Orbit velocity is where the space craft outruns the curvature of the Earth.

@TheGibson Usability: enable a single account to conveniently manage multiple posting identities.

Develop guides for introducing users to the fediverse. "Hitchhiker's guide to the fediverse" with things such as how to decide on an instance to join, and how to find communities to become a part of, and a basic outline of how federated communities work.


Marketing: how to convince casual users that privacy is worth the inconvenience of switching to the fediverse. Streamline onboarding. Develop interface for importing user data from other platforms.


Organization: Enable and encourage cooperative forms of instance management ie collective management and mutual investment into hardware and upkeep. - free services aren't. Enable perpetual services through user investment rather than private equity.

hardware: devise open source hardware solution packages that enable near plug-and-play instance operation.


Software: make account creation simple and user accessible.

Make hosting a masto instance comprehensible, through guides or prepackaged portable programs.

Make user data portable between instances.

hardware: Enable and encourage users to host instances on smaller trusted hardware via tech collectives if they are unable or uncomfortable with hosting on their own hardware

@TheGibson Yeah, man, and you've got a front row seat for this federated party bus. No, I thought that the t-shirt itself was elongating. I checked. The shirts are all the same size, the dimensions are just weird. Is that shirt longer? I swear it's getting longer.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!