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family got a new samsung tv with a "remote" that has almost no buttons because you're meant to use a phone app instead. phone app is 80mb and tells me my browser (firefox nightly) is unsupported to log into the samsung account to control this tv that's already in our living room. hey @internetofshit

Millie boosted

ah ha ha we did it

chaining and score multipliers, and a score display, now potentially fully implemented

this has finally reached "playable" status, though there's much more to do before it's "releasable"

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Millie boosted

Pretty happy with these, brush painting is a little rough but I'm so happy with how the red in the thruster cones looks, just gotta finish painting all the blue pieces to green

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Millie boosted

here are two photoshops i made in september 2022. you can see they both have the same masking around the imac g3 shell. the PSDs for these are in a hard drive in a box that i'll only have access to in the coming weeks.

sept 2022 posts:

and a completely unrelated post i'll just leave here

Millie boosted

here are two photoshops i made in september 2022. you can see they both have the same masking around the imac g3 shell. the PSDs for these are in a hard drive in a box that i'll only have access to in the coming weeks.

sept 2022 posts:

and a completely unrelated post i'll just leave here

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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

My aim so far is to emulate the backpack style or the jegan by adding an extra large thruster cone on the back, as well as fuel tanks, and add thrusters to the backs of the calves as in the Nemo, make it look high mobility, basically bringing over elements from some of my favourite units

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Millie boosted

Other than physical part modding, these armour panels need to be sanded, primed, and painted green, which should be interesting

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Millie boosted

I got some nice fine brushes for painting and my sister was really thoughtful and grabbed me some makeup sponges after hearing I needed some for this

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I got some nice fine brushes for painting and my sister was really thoughtful and grabbed me some makeup sponges after hearing I needed some for this

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Other than physical part modding, these armour panels need to be sanded, primed, and painted green, which should be interesting

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i'm also going to paint the inside of all thrusters and verniers in red, both existing and added ones, which i hope should really make them stand out

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My aim so far is to emulate the backpack style or the jegan by adding an extra large thruster cone on the back, as well as fuel tanks, and add thrusters to the backs of the calves as in the Nemo, make it look high mobility, basically bringing over elements from some of my favourite units

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hearing that bandai is revealing some upcoming gunpla on the 20ths and desperately, desperately hoping for any gunpla kit at all for the rick dijeh, please. i'd love a real grade rick dijeh more than anything, but i'd take a high grade or even a conversion kit for the high grade base dijeh, please just give me a rick dijeh bandai

i'm really enjoying the planning for this, my first custom build, and creating a little narrative in my head to fit it into the universe, i like to imagine it's a custom, newly built RX-178 used by the AEUG to hunt down titans leadership to end the war quicker, and i'm going to be sticking a load of thrusters and fuel tanks, as well as some other bits on, and repainting dark blue to green

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!