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Millie boosted
Millie boosted

I honestly think one of the most affirming things I could get right now is that chewy bone stim toy I was looking at, I just wish the pink or white ones were in stock

Millie boosted

CW: petplay 

Idk petplay and being called puppy is hugely comforting for me and I'm still trying to figure out all my feelings but I want a cute collar so bad and god a chewy bone gag would be cute 🥺

Millie boosted

CW: petplay 

The thought of falling asleep with my head on my girlfriend's lap with a collar on is incredibly comforting to me, just want to be pet

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CW: kink, petplay, sex 

Pls collar pup, and cuddle me or f*ck me into the mattress I'm not picky

CW: petplay 

The thought of falling asleep with my head on my girlfriend's lap with a collar on is incredibly comforting to me, just want to be pet

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CW: petplay 

Idk petplay and being called puppy is hugely comforting for me and I'm still trying to figure out all my feelings but I want a cute collar so bad and god a chewy bone gag would be cute 🥺

I honestly think one of the most affirming things I could get right now is that chewy bone stim toy I was looking at, I just wish the pink or white ones were in stock

Millie boosted

as posted by a headmate on twitter:

"plurality can be just this bullshit handwavey concept you can craft yourself to better explain your shifts in personality and facets and identities and anyone who says otherwise is a rule-shitting gatekeeper"

they can be made of like, plasma, some other energy, they can be chainsaws, or be superheated and glow red hot, all of that is awesome, but please more mechs with melee weapons

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listen if you're writing a setting with giant robots/mechs, please consider writing something into the plot to give swords and stuff a point, because seeing two giant robots having a sword fight or like, using glaives or spears or axes is rad as hell

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i just think it's really good when there are giant robots and they have really big swords

Millie boosted

CW: sex, joking about sex 

*in a new york accent* gee, what's a gal gotta do to get topped around here?

re: CW: sex, joking about sex 

i'm yearnin' here!

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CW: sex, joking about sex 

*in a new york accent* gee, what's a gal gotta do to get topped around here?

Don't read, bitter and iealous 

I'm just going to keep my thoughts to myself for a while and try to sleep rather than be snippy with someone I care about because I'm jealous, later everyone

urge to curl up under my girlfriend's desk and fall asleep is strong, unfortunately her desk is tiny and there is no comfy stuff under it. will have to remedy that when we have our own place

good news is, we went out shopping today and got a bunch of stuff that we needed, and various good computer things are happening.

however i am also wiped from literally just walking around a supermarket, we didn't even walk there and back, i'm exhausted

Millie boosted

Sex is just a normal part of being human. I’d like to live in a world which actually treats it that way, instead of insisting that it’s something to be hidden away.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!