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CW: Mildly implied sex and kink stuff, being a dog as usual 

want more pup stuff of both the non sexual and the sexual variety and yet the dilemma of the fact costs money. which i don't have a load of right now -,-

Millie boosted

whats some gba/ds/dsi games i shoud play

i dont care much for pokemon or rpgs

i like games that make fun use of the touch screen like trauma center

i should finish ace attorney investigations

Millie boosted

My Twitter has been suspended for pointing out that Jordan Peterson/Graham Linehan are not trans friendly.

(The discussion was about Spitfire Audio's founder tweeting transphobic material in September)

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Millie boosted

got the edge filtering working

it looks real close to an actual gbcamera now

the camera registers set by the brightness and contrast in the emulator affect the camera appropriately, too

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Millie boosted
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Millie boosted

i'm leaving the uk in 2 days. i don't know when i'll be able to come back. i have been denied a job anywhere for a year now. my savings are running out. we are scared. @Atatra and i need to be together to survive. please help.

Millie boosted

hi please hire me i have over 8 years professional experience making computers do what i want and i've been failing to get a job anywhere for almost a whole year now and i need not to be homeless please

#transcrowdfund #mutualaid #hireme #fedihire

Millie boosted

i would really love to not have to beg for money online anymore just so that i can hug my girlfriend, it's upsetting that so many places just, refuse to hire, i just want to live together, why is that too much to ask

Millie boosted

i'm so tired of this, i just want to not have to wake up alone in bed, why is that too much to ask for me and not everybody else, i don't get it

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Millie boosted

thank you everybody who donated to us so far. i've posted another update to our fundraiser trying to get @Atatra and i living together once and for all. this is really important to us. pease help us reach more folks if you can.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!