question for nb folks (boosting is ok)
do you feel that the word "trans" applies comfortably to you? if not, are there other people who identify as NB that you mentally consider to fit that label?
i don't necessarily mean in a self-gatekeeping way or anything, but the conflation of those two terms seems to vary from person to person
i've been sort of iffy about where i fit into the whole "cis"/"trans" dichotomy but i've also still felt aimless about pretty much everything about the NB identity
question for nb folks [2/2]
@revenant @lizardsquid (I guess the thing is I feel I'm a fraud in queer circles most of the time.)
As for other people I leave that for them to decide. Seems to me that it's well possible for someone to be enby, but close enough to the other sex to consider themselves trans.
People probably already said it, but I think NB is mostly a shorthand in place of having to use an unwieldy explanation every time. It's definition/use(?) only excludes a few possibilities.
question for nb folks [2/2]
@BatElite @lizardsquid yeah i feel that fraud thing big time also
i definitely think it's very broad and open to different personal ideals/experiences but i was just interested in getting a better idea of how other people see it