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@lizardsquid Well, now I know what a children's programme featuring me would be called.

Oddly, both the best and worst reactions someone can have to something you send them is screaming.

irregular reminder that i sometimes draw things (though not v much recently) Whoa heck I didn't know you were this good at drawing...

@maple Sounds like we need a team of girls to try and correct the incorrigible.

Almost thought I was missing out on lewd, heck...

Can't risk my reputation just like that.

@loki Wait did I miss a large undercurrent of lewd in my request? Me?

@maple "incorrigible lesbian"

Implying you're doing anything wrong.

The arts 

(Oh woops I meant I can send the thing on discord)

Show thread I get the feeling you're fond of it. :3

@loki I hope this is sassy:

The Specials - What I Like Most About You Is Your Girlfriend

(video's good too)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!