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i drew @pupy and me havin a soft cuddle! their sona is super cute and was rlly fun to draw :purple_sparkling_heart:

The cool thing about Mega Man 11 is that nobody on youtube seems shy about putting hints and spoilers for later game stuff in their thumbnails.

That's another one giving me a pretty good hint of what the final section is going to be like, ffs.

USpol? not current events (violence/war, also this is a joke but I don't think that part is salvageable anymore with the rest of the CW) 

Since pretty much nobody who's sensible likes the U.S. national anthem we should probably come up with a new one. I'm thinking and suggesting the intro theme for Cannon Fodder on the Amiga. :P

financial problems, req for help 

quickly approaching 2 months no income (aside from donations which have helped me stay afloat so far)

I'm quickly approaching the point where I'll need to fundraise for being able to continue driving (necessary for finding jobs among other things) for another month if I cannot find a job by sometime next month.

So... i actually don't know what else to say, but please help if you can.

I'm also considering a paypal pool instead of this...

YT quote 

"...all that's really left is to slap a Dracula so, let's do it!"

Reminded once again why I love this guy.


That exam probably went better than anticipated. :3

memery, I don't know how to CW this unfortunately 

Tired: sex, drugs & rock 'n' roll

Wired: ERP, drugs & raw queer existential dread expressed in synthesizers

The Arts [cute nude] 

✨💜Butt up, boobs out, big smile~💜✨

Silly natured thing I did for who has a cute tanuki character~

Look at that content smile on their face, the absolutely adorable thing. :D


There is an image description but I'll write the lines of text on the page itself here:

Woops I'm
laying about being nude
It's hecking great! (with hearts on either side of "great!")

silly mh thing 

Smite your anxiety

and then please tell me how you did it. :<

Don't really like Pepijn anymore as the name for the male bat, but I don't really have any idea for an alternative.

If it matters much anymore.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!