A point & click graphical user interface is not automatically better than the command line interface. 

I'm using a tool with both, but although I have to type up to 60 characters in the CLI, it takes only 5-10 seconds, & my fingers never have to leave the keyboard.

With the GUI to do the same thing, I needed to click on 34 things, each appearing in a different place I had to point at first, take my hands off the mouse to type 4 characters, then put my hand back on the mouse, taking 40-55 seconds.


A point & click graphical user interface is not automatically better than the command line interface. 

@arielmt truth. I don’t do much that makes use of a CLI myself, but my last job involved extremely heavy use of one (they used an AS400 system for about everything), and it was honestly really eye opening just how rapidly I could go through things.

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