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Chel boosted

@Chel well, i can drink out of a flask

what the hell is a django and what can i put into it?

@Scarly is currently debating if she should start a prospective project using django or flask

for her, this is an eternal struggle

Okay, I'm going to try and do something productive I tell myself. Just one moment, let me check my notifications and then I'll get to it.

Twenty minutes later, happily scrolling through various timelines, I stop and realize that I'd intended to be doing something right around now. Okay, I say to myself, I'll get to it once I finish up with this.

(spoiler: probably not)

Now attempting sleep, take two. Wish us luck!

Y’all should have pinned introduction toots so I can fave them when I click into your profiles for the first time :blobthinking:

Crows are friends. Mice as well, along with all the others. (Bunnies are the best though, no bias)

I need all of the coffee on the planet. pls. :blobbuncoffee2:

Chel boosted

yah know, i just wanna say that i appreciate all the bunnies, mice, and birds of the fediverse - y'all are too cute :0

I swear, I'm too boring to have anything meaningful, interesting, or otherwise amusing to say here most of the time 👀

Chel boosted

hot take? burning things down 

when i see white anarchists talking about guillotines and burning down small business establishments and office buildings, i'm like

y'all realize that you'd probably gonna be targetting people in underpriviledged areas bc the wealthier folks are up to their noses in their private security (aka cops)?

better idea - show up when poc need you to show up. don't fantasize about burning it down when you can't even show up for simple shit.

Feeling a bit less dead at the moment, which is a pleasant change from the bulk of the day. :blobsleepless:

dysphoria, - 

Ah dysphoria, my one true friend and companion. Come in, have a seat. Would you like some coffee? I do so enjoy it when you pop by.

Chel boosted

python frameworks. on the brain.

flask, django. flask. django. django. flask. a flask of django. a django of flask. wait no. that doesn't seem to work as well. bottles, tornados,

i think i'll use a flask of django filled with tornadoes, web pies, and bottles.

Chel boosted

Family drama sucks upvote to agree downvote to not disagree

Any time I pull out my drawing tablet and attempt to doodle anything, my control, a, and delete keys get one hell of a workout. :blobfacepalm:

Chel boosted

want to do development work, but I put windows on everything in one of my "I am giving up coding" moments that turned out to be bullshit

no really. i put windows on everything. my storage drive. my os drive (ofc). my game drive. my sex drive. all the cars i might drive. i put windows on my shoes. on my phone. on my switch. on my everything. even on my wife. im sorry @Chel

so. now, i need to undo this. how can i cure a windows infestation? vms are too laggy for me, btw.

I'd like to wish my PC monitor a happy 10th birthday.

She's put up with a lot since 2008, including over half a dozen apartment moves across two states and four cities, as well as countless hours displaying all sorts of sites, games, chats, images, movies, and the like.

If she could talk, she'd have a lot of stories to tell. To be honest, I'm kind of happy that she can't. 🤷

Chel boosted
Chel boosted

snaps my fingers with the infinity gauntlet on and now every holiday song about het romance is replaced by songs about healthy and queer love

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!