JeMa boosted

My aim so far is to emulate the backpack style or the jegan by adding an extra large thruster cone on the back, as well as fuel tanks, and add thrusters to the backs of the calves as in the Nemo, make it look high mobility, basically bringing over elements from some of my favourite units

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JeMa boosted

here are two photoshops i made in september 2022. you can see they both have the same masking around the imac g3 shell. the PSDs for these are in a hard drive in a box that i'll only have access to in the coming weeks.

sept 2022 posts:

and a completely unrelated post i'll just leave here

JeMa boosted

nsfw art 

lures you lures you lures you lures you lures you lures you lures you lures you lures you

pwyw comission for a private client

JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted

It’s transphobic that nobody is playing with my tits right now.

JeMa boosted

you, a fool: you don't hate mondays, you hate ~capitalism~

me, wise: actually i can hate more than one thing at a time due to my Enormous Brain

JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted

Reminder: The Black Lives Matter protests are still ongoing in the US.

JeMa boosted

one of the classic garbage twitter moves is the 'arguetron switcheroo'. we had a couple of bots that would respond to you with things like 'can you provide sources for these assertions', 'you're not making any sense. calm down', etc. and we'd lure a chud into a hellthread, tag the bot in, then mute the thread, and leave the chud fighting the bot. most of them i don't think ever figured it out

JeMa boosted

hello fellow white people. it's easy to post "fuck the police" and say "i would never call the police" and listen to millions of dead cops and think 1312 thoughts but! have you considered what you would do INSTEAD of calling the fash? no? how about a lil homework:


deescalation seminar:

12 things to do instead:

not being a bystander:

LOTS of links:

JeMa boosted

Food, health, positive update!! 

My brain: me want fruit 🥺

Me: okay, there's apples, mandarins, pears, blackberries, blueberries, take your pick :)

My brain: fruit not cut up 🥺😭😭

So uh,, I used some of my residual energy drink stamina to cut up several apples and pears to eat later.

Pro tip!

Put some lemon juice on them to keep them from browning immediately! ✨

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JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted

analysts: bernie would ruin the economy!!

me, being crushed by unaffordable housing, medicine, and student debt: ok

JeMa boosted
JeMa boosted

fuck it
I lied
it's [s]drum and bass[/s]another pooptoot
whatcha gonna do

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!