@MUCK sorry i was hanging out with Mango... I'm struggling to make any like?? concrete plans rn as like, I haven't been well and have been tired/ had a migraine, and just have in general been overwhelmed? So like while that sounds great in theory im not sure I will immediately be up for it (im playing things a lot by ear which im sure you get) so i dont wanna like...... promise you something and then be like "actually im really not up for this" does that make sense??


@MUCK tl,dr: i would love to video call soon, I just have no idea when I will feel up for it next.

@MUCK sorry... ive just been like... not even hanging with mango that much because I'm too tired or feel bad its just. Bad time all around

I love you and I will absolutely let you know when I'm feeling a bit better

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!