And then there is this piece of BASIC 💎
>> One does not need to be experienced in computer science to use a ready-made computer program. There are already many on the market and more being advertised all the time in weavers' periodicals. ...
What does one do, however, when there seems to be no ready-made program available to use with a particular brand of computer? ... A third answer which could lead to tailor-made usefulness and greatest independence in the long run is, "Make your own program to fit your own interests and equipment."
"Adventures of a computer convert
(computer programming by a novice)
How do you feel about computers applied to weaving? If you have the opportunity to try one, you may be pleasantly surprised! Not so very long ago, I associated computers mainly with large businesses or for use in industrial and scientific processes. Suddenly, it seems, computers are in evidence everywhere from banks and grocery stores to private homes - including those of weavers!"
This one by Doramay Keasbey sounds nice too!
p. 28 here
The author ends with :
"Well, my apple word processor tells me that this installment now contains 16,016 ASCII-character-bytes, which is about all that Clotilde has alloted me for this chapter. Join me next time for a chat about computer languages and programming."
I will now go an read all the nice computer stuff in the weavers journals that were published the year I was born ^^ It's a whole series!
Look what I just found. From an introduction to computers for weavers in a 1983 weaving journal
The journal is online here:
10 awesome features of Python that you can't use because you refuse to upgrade to Python 3: a really wonderful presentation. Learned some fancy stuff there.
Instance admins, please edit your instance information on if you want your instance to appear in the results of the instance selection wizard which will be released by the end of the week.
In #Wien werden – wie jedes Jahr – parallel zur Regenbogenparade christliche Fundamentalist_innen & Rechte in der Innenstadt aufmarschieren.
Hier ist das Blog zum Marsch für’n Arsch, der Demo gegen den "Marsch für die Familie":
Und hier gibt es Infos über die Hintergründe & Vernetztheiten der Fundis-und-so: (Spoiler, sie sind gut vernetzt und mehr mit Nazis als mit sonst wem.)
Apparently, "Certified Ethical Hacker" is a real certification. Oookay.
"Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a qualification obtained by assessing the security of computer systems, using penetration testing techniques."
New research on how kids from lower socio-economic status communities think about digital privacy. I’m not surprised these kids have a much more nuanced and powerful understanding of privacy than most in tech. They think of the lack of digital privacy as structural discrimination which is a far more powerful framework than the individual responsibility model everyone else uses. (open access!)
Ohai! hat eine Umfrage zur Demographie der Mastodon-User_innen gemacht, weil they Umfragen mag und wissen wollte, wie man sich uns so vorstellen kann. Hier:
Die Ergebnisse wird they bald nach Ende der Umfrage posten (und hübsche Diagramme daraus machen).
Bitte großzügig teilen, damit Antworten von möglichst vielen Instances zusammenkommen :)
"This utility will split your console into a multiple panes of genuine technobabble, perfectly suitable for any Hollywood geek melodrama. It is particularly suitable on any number of computer consoles in the background of any excellent schlock technothriller."
Was not ready for that theme to blast from my speakers, but still sorta fun :-) close up of its pointless glory
It's in the repos.
oh and tea, please! very queer and autistic. disability. fibre. they-pronouns.
not much tech-related tooting but feelings and everything.
I like tea but: