Okay, change of plans! darkwitchclaire will mainly be posting from plush.city for a while, so I'm moving over there too. Sorry for all the waffling back-and-forth, but I'll see y'all there!

@BatElite wow, what a coincidence! I’m a soft thing who likes to be gentlied

@BatElite robots can be soft! :3

I mean, it's inefficient for cooling, but that just explains why I can get flustered so easily sometimes

Hey folks! I have an alt now: @lenalia@plush.city. I'm kinda going back and forth on whether this'll be my main account or that one, so feel free to send me a follow over there if you like. ^^

Lenalia! boosted

the "haha i think robots are neat is all" to "being robotkin" to "saying 'beep boop' out loud irl as a stim" pipeline

Lenalia! boosted

🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️🙎‍♂️🙎‍♀️ Discussion: Big O notation

:blobowo: My brain, despite being familiar with the actual subject:

@darkwitchclaire @mawr *knocking on the door of a data center* Hi, can you point me to the server running plush city? I need to pat it on the case and tell it that it’s a good server and its calculations are valid.

@alice@masto.werefox.dev I’ve talked to the admin over here for a little bit this morning and I’m gonna postpone the move for a bit to see how it goes. I’ve still got the other account set up if I change my mind, though :3

Lenalia! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

This is a repost sorry I don't know the op, but I love this game legit soo much 🥰 redd.it/rr22lv

@alice@masto.werefox.dev Good morning, y’all! ^^

(This instance has been down for a while so sorry I probably missed yesterday’s ^^;; )

Lenalia! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Thank god the cis are here redd.it/rqhj2c

Lenalia! boosted

@alice@masto.werefox.dev Good morning, y’all! ^^

Lenalia! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!