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Lenalia! boosted

If you don't require legal proof of name when someone signs up for an account maybe you don't need it for someone to change their name on the account

@monorail My first thought was “that’s a terrible H”

capslock’d text, fawning over cute things 

Me, looking at pictures of Porings and other cute slime monsters: Aw, so cute! I wanna pet them.

Also me, immediately in response: LENALIA NO YOU’LL GET SLIME ALL OVER YOUR HANDS

Lenalia! boosted

@kat Are you interested in some carefully-calibrated hugs?

Lenalia! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 


Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

Virtual pet fandoms such as Neopets and Pokemon have highly queer userbases because the crossover between something traditionally masculine (games and fighting) and traditionally feminine (pets and caring) allowed kids to experience a truly genderfucked/neutral space, where they had the most freedom to express themselves. In this essay i will

Lenalia! boosted

@monorail I’m starting to wonder if this is part of the joke now, since you keep reposting this and the correction instead of just posting a corrected version of the meme. XD

Lenalia! boosted
In the year 2021, people will be able to turn on their Personal Computer, connect to the global Internet network, and tell the computer to fetch things that make them angry.

Twitch casual stream 

It's time for some more Fantasian! Last time, we joined up with mysterious shy white mage and a knightly princess and barely kept an airship from crashing into a city! Now, let's explore the canal city of Veni–er, Vence, and see what adventures await us!

Lenalia! boosted
Lenalia! boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

“It’ll change the way you view the world!”

Lenalia! boosted

"Dating myself with this one," I admit and reveal two headmates holding hands.

@monorail Hey, you know Holly Glaceon? She’s super tall. Like, wow.

@deejvalen @monorail I hadn’t heard of this until now, but after a bit of googling I’m tempted to pick up the base game just so I can try it. XD

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!