mental illness in fiction 

funnily enough, im pretty sure the miserable goredeath demon hunting universe is the only one where no one in the main cast is our has been even a little suicidal?

mental illness in fiction 

city/verse has nick, cooper, and a couple others past tense, A and B textually commit suicide to escape their situation (the story is set in the afterlife so they're like, fine), vampireverse has alain being suicidally depressed due to vampirism angst for a long ass time, diectical has haven and past tense witch (and past tense wraith, to a much lesser extent), and dreams has fi and aqua

mental illness in fiction 

the demon hunting cast has other problems, for sure, but escaped me projecting suicidal ideation into them entirely


mental illness in fiction 

@void i’m proud of them for coming out unscathed

mental illness in fiction 

@MUCK me too honestly

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