I managed to hold a conversation with a stranger on a bus tonight. I'm normally way too shy for that sort of thing, but at least she broke the ice first. We talked a bit about how it's a little scary to take the bus at night and also environmentalism. She also mentioned it was her birthday, so I wished her a happy birthday
@maple same
@maple hi maple
@scoots Those are some sweet sunglasses
@maple I'm happy to be here!
@kalamatamari Yeah, you can just lie. A lot of artists list their location as something improbable
@kalamatamari Yes, it is
@maple gaytracing rendering
@DarkWitchClaire Good morning!
@DarkWitchClaire Me neither! I just happened to see you at the top of the local timeline
@DarkWitchClaire Hi, welcome! It's good to see you around