Doctor Who 

I'm making a guide of which episodes of Dr Who to watch. While I'm making a fully detailed guide, I've seen the first 4 stories of the classic series and here are my thoughts so far:

[ An Unearthly Child ] – Watch the first episode! Then skip the rest because they're dull

[ The Daleks ] – Worth a watch if you're patient, but otherwise it's very slow paced


Doctor Who 

[ The Edge of Destruction ] - Watch it! Short and tense, and one of my favourites

[ Marco Polo ] - All the episodes are missing, but if you're willing to watch regardless, go ahead!

(To explain for those who don't know: many of the earlier episodes were completely destroyed, however fans at home recorded the audio and took photos of the screen, so reconstructions which use still images have been made)

Doctor Who 

The next story is The Keys of Marinus, which I remember fondly from when I watched it as a kid.

We'll see if it holds up...

Doctor Who 

The Keys of Marinus does hold up!

I've decided to put it in my "fast track" recommendation - which means I recommend it for anyone to watch, even if they just want a sampling of episodes.

I may demote it to a regular "watch" recommendation later on, because it is still incredibly slowly paced compared to the later seasons (let alone modern television), but it's there for now.

Doctor Who 

now it's time to watch "The Aztecs" which is about..... the Aztecs

I'm sure this won't be culturally insensitive at all

Doctor Who 

Barbara: If we stop the evil sacrifices, then when Cortez lands the Spanish will only see the good in this society, and it will save them from destruction!


Doctor Who 

[ The Aztecs ] - Not worth watching

I think this will probably be my most controversial decision so far, especially since it's not ✨ awful ✨, and in fact is actually tense and good sometimes.

But I still don't think it's worth watching

Doctor Who 

by the way: I'm going to publish a version of the guide after I finish each season.

I'd publish as I go, but the software I'm using is really convinient for writing in, but not so convinient for... displaying on the web.

Two stories left in this season: The Sensorites, and The Reign of Terror

Doctor Who 

hrm, now I'm doubting my decision for The Aztecs.... it's actually kinda good?

aside from the whole "completely innaccurate" thing

and saying no for this has made me feel like I should have said no for more of the previous episodes

Doctor Who [Latest Recommendations] 

I changed my mind a bit for some stories, so here is the recommendations:

[ An Unearthly Child ] → Watch the first episode only

[ The Daleks ] → Don't watch, unless you're really curious - in which case I can recommend skipping through episodes 5 and 6

[ The Edge of Destruction ] → Recommended!

[ Marco Polo ] → Maybe, if you're ok with a reconstruction

[ The Keys of Marinus ] → ✨ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ✨

[ The Aztecs ] → Maybe

[ The Sensorites ] → No

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

I've now published the draft of my first season of recommendations for Doctor Who!

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@lizardsquid Huh. I actually didn't like The Edge of Destruction much. It established a lot of important things going forward, including bringing some much-needed character development... but the actual episodes were kind of a slog, with their weird characterization, confusing plotting, and forced-feeling conflict between the protagonists.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@Nezumi yeah in retrospect I gave it the wrong rating - my next draft downgrades it to a Maybe

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