Doctor Who 

I'm making a guide of which episodes of Dr Who to watch. While I'm making a fully detailed guide, I've seen the first 4 stories of the classic series and here are my thoughts so far:

[ An Unearthly Child ] – Watch the first episode! Then skip the rest because they're dull

[ The Daleks ] – Worth a watch if you're patient, but otherwise it's very slow paced


Doctor Who 

[ The Edge of Destruction ] - Watch it! Short and tense, and one of my favourites

[ Marco Polo ] - All the episodes are missing, but if you're willing to watch regardless, go ahead!

(To explain for those who don't know: many of the earlier episodes were completely destroyed, however fans at home recorded the audio and took photos of the screen, so reconstructions which use still images have been made)

Doctor Who 

The next story is The Keys of Marinus, which I remember fondly from when I watched it as a kid.

We'll see if it holds up...

Doctor Who 

The Keys of Marinus does hold up!

I've decided to put it in my "fast track" recommendation - which means I recommend it for anyone to watch, even if they just want a sampling of episodes.

I may demote it to a regular "watch" recommendation later on, because it is still incredibly slowly paced compared to the later seasons (let alone modern television), but it's there for now.


Doctor Who 

now it's time to watch "The Aztecs" which is about..... the Aztecs

I'm sure this won't be culturally insensitive at all

Doctor Who 

Barbara: If we stop the evil sacrifices, then when Cortez lands the Spanish will only see the good in this society, and it will save them from destruction!


Doctor Who 

[ The Aztecs ] - Not worth watching

I think this will probably be my most controversial decision so far, especially since it's not ✨ awful ✨, and in fact is actually tense and good sometimes.

But I still don't think it's worth watching

Doctor Who 

by the way: I'm going to publish a version of the guide after I finish each season.

I'd publish as I go, but the software I'm using is really convinient for writing in, but not so convinient for... displaying on the web.

Two stories left in this season: The Sensorites, and The Reign of Terror

Doctor Who 

hrm, now I'm doubting my decision for The Aztecs.... it's actually kinda good?

aside from the whole "completely innaccurate" thing

and saying no for this has made me feel like I should have said no for more of the previous episodes

Doctor Who [Latest Recommendations] 

I changed my mind a bit for some stories, so here is the recommendations:

[ An Unearthly Child ] → Watch the first episode only

[ The Daleks ] → Don't watch, unless you're really curious - in which case I can recommend skipping through episodes 5 and 6

[ The Edge of Destruction ] → Recommended!

[ Marco Polo ] → Maybe, if you're ok with a reconstruction

[ The Keys of Marinus ] → ✨ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ✨

[ The Aztecs ] → Maybe

[ The Sensorites ] → No

Doctor Who 

Only one more story left in the first season...

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

I've now published the draft of my first season of recommendations for Doctor Who!

Want to watch Doctor Who from the very beginning, but don't want to slog through the really boring episodes?

Check out my guide!

Now with better recommendations, a more clear intro, and better colours!

Currently I've only written the recommendations for the first season - second season will be coming as soon as I finish watching it!

also, in order to make this guide, I had to write a haskell program, which you can find here:

Doctor Who 

I've just watched through The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

It's pretty good, as these old episodes go!

Now, onto The Rescue...

Doctor Who [season 2] 

I think Season 2 is better than Season 1 – mostly because it doesn't have multiple stories which are 7 episodes long

Doctor Who [season 2] 

[ The Dalek Invasion of Earth ] — Maybe, it's good, but very slow

[ The Rescue ] — Highly Recommended

[ The Romans ] — Highly Recommended

Gosh, two highly recommended stories in a row...

Doctor Who [season 2] 

next up is The Web Planet.

I loved it as a kid, but the last time I re-watched it, it was painful - so many horrible sounds

Doctor Who [season 2] 

I've been updating the official page as I go, by the way:

Doctor Who [season 2], picture of a VERY FAKE giant bug 

check out this cutie

Doctor Who [season 2], picture of a VERY FAKE giant bug 


I'm only 2 episodes in to this 6 episode story (the web planet) and the sounds are already driving me insane

This one will definitely be getting a "don't watch" recommendation

Doctor Who [season 2] 

not only are the sounds awful, but the plot is incredibly dull

Doctor Who [season 2] 

this is so infuriatingly bad, hrrrggg

Doctor Who [season 2] 

And now: The Crusade

this will be interesting - for season 1, my source just had still pictures for the reconstructions.

But for season 2, we have the Loose Cannon reconstructions, where fans put a lot more effort into them. We'll see how these go...

Doctor Who [season 2] 

dang, The Crusade is the hardest one to rate yet. It's so good.... but there's also 2 missing episodes

Show newer

Doctor Who 

@lizardsquid I kinda liked that one
it was a bit slow, but interesting

Doctor Who 

@Efi well most of the first season is slow.....

hmmm... maybe I'm being harsher on it than I should be

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@lizardsquid hi! I skimmed this because I am also doing a watch through of old Who (while also reading novels, audios, etc. Set in the same era as these stories. Following/working on the order at and I guess just wanna say this is neat! Even though my opinions on a lot of these episodes vary wildly from yours, I am always super excited to meet another person watching Doctor Who. 😀

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@The_T I'm interested to hear how your opinions are different to mine!

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@lizardsquid Hmmm... ok here we go!

An Unearthly Child: Watch. Episode 1 is so important, and I really don't mind the Caveman drama. I like the way the Cavemen speak; it's not "unga bunga" idiot speak, they are eloquent but still have simple thought processes. It's fascinating to me, and is a good precursor to the train of thought of "oh, the TARDIS is translating". Some interesting things happen and the pacing isn't awful, but it could absolutely be better.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

The Daleks: Watch. Seeing an early version of Daleks so you have a frame of reference for how they go on to differ, and seeing how they were introduced to the world, is so important and outweighs the slower pacing of some of the episodes. Yeah, the Thals are kinda bland idiots and the radiation sickness slows things so much, but the Daleks are still terrifying and interesting; it's neat to see them both afraid while still irrationally hateful.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

The Edge of Destruction: Maybe. The first episode builds up some interesting suspense, but the 2nd part completely fails to deliver on it, with a subpar resolution that doesn't say much of anything at all. Setting the whole thing in the TARDIS was neat and smart for budget reasons, but it just isn't quite enough.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

Marco Polo: Maybe. It has a lot of really strong moments, but it's way too long. Ping Cho is a really good character and Susan and Ping Cho's relationship is really good. I'd like to give the audio-only version a try and see if I like it anymore that way. I feel like this serial gives the first shades of The Doctor lightening up, and seeing him wager at board games with Kublai Khan is amusing.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

The Keys of Marinus: Watch. I actually just think it's ok; a few of the tales in it are weaker, a few are stronger, so it balances out. I feel like the Voord are just kind of dorky (they get to be much more interesting in later audios), and I was genuinely surprised that Arbitan wasn't the villain when he was kind of a manipulative jerk? I really enjoyed the courtroom drama bits though.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

The Aztecs: Watch. This is a really important arc for Barbara, although it does have problems with introducing inconsistencies on how and when tie can be changed. Still, the bad guys are interesting and weird with believable motives; Ian's role as a fighter is done well, and I just like the way the Aztec culture is presented.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

The Sensorites: Watch. I guess I feel like it's important for being the first real glimpse of the future of humanity, and I like the main villain a lot. Alien morality, cultures with radically different worldviews than our own, is a good trope to play around with it, and while the sensorites aren't extremely unhuman, they are fairly different.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

The Reign of Terror: Watch. I feel like this is the first episode where The Doctor really becomes clever, playing with history without meddling. I really did the historical stories and it's a shame there isn't much of them in later eras. Also, watch the animated reconstructions!! The animation is a bit uncanny but it is completely worth it to see these episodes in motion. Why watch it any other way?

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@The_T interesting!

I mostly agree with you - however, that's from the perspective of a fan. I'm trying to write recommendations with a newcomer in mind, because a fan will try to watch everything regardless of suggestions. That's why I'm harsher on the episodes - if I find it difficult to sit through the whole story, then I can't really recommend it.

That's why I suggest skipping the cavemen episodes - for a modern viewer, it's hard to sit through. (cont)

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@The_T however, I do agree with you on a few things, so I'll be changing my recommendations slightly: The Aztecs and The Reign of Terror have been upgraded to "yes", the sensorites has been upgraded to "maybe" and The Edge of Destruction has been downgraded to "maybe".


Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@The_T Also, remember that I'm making my recommendations with multiple "tracks" in mind
* fast track: for the reader who only wants a sampling
* recommended track: for the average reader
* "recommended with maybes" track: for more dedicated readers

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@lizardsquid Huh. I actually didn't like The Edge of Destruction much. It established a lot of important things going forward, including bringing some much-needed character development... but the actual episodes were kind of a slog, with their weird characterization, confusing plotting, and forced-feeling conflict between the protagonists.

Doctor Who [Season 1 Recommendations] 

@Nezumi yeah in retrospect I gave it the wrong rating - my next draft downgrades it to a Maybe

@lizardsquid Wow! Nice work! Will you pursue it with the new serie once you're done with the old one?

@lertsenem yep, I'll be making recommendations all the way through!

and thanks!

Doctor Who 

@lizardsquid Like... that's... understandable from her and the show's social context, but still so utterly, horribly wrong and WTF.

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