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Oh also we're having an extension built on this house, and the builders got some roof tiles delivered and I cannot stop giggling every single time I walk past the packaging because apparently I am twelve years old

okay here we go.
that last one, I threw a frag grenade by accident. By SOME MIRACLE it did not damage me, or Manny Vargas who is RIGHT THERE.

it did however damage reality apparently, because now most of the dinos there are frozen in time and space and technically do not exist except visually. Hence why they appear to be flying everywhere. They're not tho.

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So, a while ago, Miq's mum bought some personalised cups for the house, three of them, with an initial for each of us.

However what we didn't expect was that they wouldn't have any handles. They're really nice mugs, but because of the lack of handles, somewhat useless for any hot drink as a result.

As such I've taken to using them to measure rice for our rice/slow cooker. So they stand for Rice, More Rice, and Probably Too Much Rice.

Finally did that 30 day videogame music challenge thing!
... This thing :O
I'm gonna thread this thing, so it doesn't spam everyone, and i uh... I'm gonna post one a day rather than... all thirty at once because hahahahaahaha nobody needs THAT flooding their timeline.

So feel free to click back through the thread. Each day's entry will be titled with what it is too, so hence no alt-text on this one.

Aaand the new crew uniform! :D

X'i croptop and miniskirt, torn protectorate cape, and Avali scout headgear because gosh darn it the uniform looks fabulous on everyone :D

Except Avali because humanoid clothes don't fit them ;;

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Forgot I got a screenshot of her!
Also yes I'm playing an Avali, because of course I am

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DOOM 2 screenshot, w/ Mr Friendly mod, ...eyecontact?? gun in picture (sprites) 

Bit of dialogue from this mod XD

love this dude.
Arachnid Ron is valid as fuck.

Picture of food 

Okay I've just cooked the strangest pasta I've ever encountered.

It's like if someone thought "what if macaroni but too much?"
It's macaroni but nobody told it "when".
It's Macaroni: Extended Directors Cut Special Edition

Sorry for the awful picture but I had to take this really quickly before they moved.

Kami took exception that Misty was curled up on my bed when she wanted to sleep on it... So jumped up and sat ENTIRELY on her.

Misty on the other hand took exception with the fact that Kami was sitting her arse on her head and forelegs.

Kami did not understand what her problem was and just stared at her, then proceeded to sit down more until Misty finally left in a huff. Kami looked very pleased with herself.

So uh ... Saw this in a sweetshop window near Calver in the peak District while I was out today...

Image description coming up in the next post

Post brushing Thulhu-pancaking. Lookit how relaxed she is! <3

Full picture description in the alt-text of course.

Posted this on birdsite, but heck I forgot to post it here.
yes this is from my LTTP playthrough on my Switch.

Image hidden because unintentional innuendo of the nth degree.

This is the closest photo I still have of what I described. It's not the same, but it is pretty nice

and also CROW

japanese crows have an entirely different sound to english crows. Like, very, VERY different, like I was like "oh I guess they sound a little different??" but no, they sound... like an entirely different bird.
Here's some japanese crows:
aaand here's a more familiar crow sound:


There's.... Literally nothing physically wrong that I can see. Unless there's something conductive UNDER the switch... If that's the case though I think I'm boned

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!