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commission me to write a song about your fursona. 1 song = $20,000
1 album = $2,000,000
note: songs will be extremely good

The fact that I paused mid getting changed to type that out, and this toot as well, should tell you all you need to know about my time management skills as well

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*accidentally knocks something out of bag onto floor whilst changing after work* Heck
*In reaching for object, knocks it over further away* double heck!
*Manages to retrieve object, drops it by mistake* triple heck!!
*Finally puts it back in the bag, knocks it out of the bag again whilst getting next item of clothes* HECKINGS

gotta remember how I found the powersaves 3ds we bought
but it needs a break from The Surge ^^;

How to Masto:

The number on the right is a toot's power, or how much damage it can do. The one on the left is its toughness, how much damage it can take.

To summon a toot, you have to tap your feeds to gain moods.

just realized that AOL instant messenger survived long enough to see itself become vaporwave

a potential term for some nonbinary sheep can be an "uwu" as opposed to ram or ewe pass it on 🐏

here's a few things I like unironically that are generally regarded as trash.

Sonic R (specifically its music mostly)
Rolo the Elephant (I like its music and the game is adorable and cute and yeah the bosses are awful but I still love it)
The Street Fighter 2 live action film (pretty much only because of Raul Julia who gives 200% goddamn percent in a movie that is undeniably awful. plus some great lines from various characters in it. so much fun)

I refuse to feel shame for these things.

I know. there aren't any ;w; there are hearts and other similar insignia dotted all through your document.
or worse, no character at all. just a tribute.

WELP only one I could do with the extra cable anyway tbh. They aren't especially exciting to fight or challenging.

okay i think i'll try viscera cleanup detail because chilling out by cleaning place of gibs is probably an okay way to chill out. not the cutest but hey.

kinda a bit - , a bit vague, 

well that was a bust, I had to stop playing, couldn't focus on that either. fgh.

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kinda a bit - , a bit vague, 

yay it's 11pm and I'm playing sonic 3 & knuckles finally because it's the only thing that's beenable to grab my attention adn have the energy to deal with aahah. haha. yyyyyyeah my hed isn't doing so good. hoping this gets easier... things'll porolly suck for a bit tho. can't really go into details. I'm okay, just... having trouble dealing with some upcoming news.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!