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(standing on stage in front of 1000 people)

hello. thanks f(MIC FEEDBACK)

sorry. thanks for coming.

im going to show you my post now. uh i hope-- please enjoy.

(fumbles with the knob on the overhead projector until you can read the words on the screen: BOOST IF SNAILS ARE COOL)

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Anyone interested in buying MTG cards for less than you would have to pay for them online? I kind of want to sell my collection; I don't really play IRL anymore and I have several grand worth of cards just laying around; I could really use that money for improving my mental health, making sure I can pay for my car and my medication, etc.

I have a large collection and a lot of cards, so feel free to ask for what you want. Lots of expensive EDH cards, as well as a few signed ones from when I was working at Mox.

Anyways, hit me up if you want cards :blobuwu:

tired: optical fibre
wired: light spaghetti

what I tell people IRL about my relationship vs my actual relationship

cw boosts please, give me makeup help pwease 

wow I touch the back of my head alot... how'd I do uwu

I keep trying to push "sknq is" in line with "AWAKE" but theres "sknq is SLEP" is trapped in a corner and overrides it :<

Olive video editor is the first open-source NLA I've seen that is actually competent enough to be called "professional". Even in it's alpha stage it's way better than 90% of NLAs we have in their stable releases.

The biggest thing is it's amazing performance: #OliveLNA does all compositing using GLSL (like OBS) - so it's fast. An order of magnitude faster than anything else we have.

I've already pledged to their Patreon campaign.

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Made a lot of progress drafting up the plans for my clock project.

This is gonna take a lot of time to finish.

Sheep is an odd sounding word.

Sheep. ... Sheep....
Beepy sheepy

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Hi am awake.

Baba is a sheep right?

I'm pretty sure Baba is a sheep


Revoke artical 50 Brexit petition

Dunno how much it’ll do but at the least I wanna upset some Tories and daily mail readers by signing myself!



I need more money for clothing whether or not I get this job I am interviewing for today, and I also need money for my HRT medication refills.

Please help me out:

Cash App:$NatsumiKitty


#TransCrowdFund #CrowdFund

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!