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i love how i can just google "piss niel" (yeah typo included) and google just goes "oh right you want that song AGAIN, yeah. lemmie just shove that at your top result from youtube because apparently you cannot get Piss by Neil Cicierega out of your head and must keep list-JUST BUY THE GODDAMN ALBUM FUCKSAKE jeez. fucksake, Ren."

and yet i stay here listening to the same youtube video over and over again. i dunno why it's so catchy.

mhhh i should slep.

i know i've basically not been around all day but...




"To catch a cold... you've got to THINK like a cold..."

Bay Area LGBTQ artists! Join us at #Artsplosion on June 2nd! Free table to show and sell your work! More info:


am awake
am tinkering with my face the oxford dictionary and walk backwards into hlel

LB: CW! Blood, violence, guns. Killer7 is a profoundly uncomfortable game to play and it's a mind-trip for real, but I ...really like it? I own it on ps2 and really should get to completing it because I still find it fascinating, even if it is weird as fuck.

Also will be nice on steam because then it won't be super low res. Hopefully it's a good port.

LB: that's psyduck's secret, renbot. Psyduck is always good content. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

artie and rosie sleeping on the deck next to me

"good dogs," I say, quietly

their tails start wagging in unison


“In case anyone is wondering, you would have to move towards the access point at roughly 621.5 kilometers per second in order to doppler-shift Wi-Fi channel 1 into channel 2.”

uspol, trump, - 

Trump has found a way to blame the Democrats for ICE separating children from their parents and then losing them, because of course he has, the mendacious meretricious minctophilic sack of shit

Despite all my rage, games are still made by David Cage

(bad joke) how do you tell the difference between a european hedgehog and an american hedgehog 

At least then it will serve as a warning as to what to expect from following me :)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!