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yeesssss it's done it's complete let's try this sucker out. see if it works.

dang tho an 8gb micro sd card takes a while to format fully over usb 2 maybe I shoulda sprung for a usb 3 one :|

awriiiight I'm back home and heeeey my sd card reader turned up and heeeyyy i'm gonna give formatting this sd card another go now it reads the reader and card. :D

But I mean also it's the subtle destruction of gender norms as well. Bowser transforming into a powerful, big, muscled and tubby gal who's still fully rough and tumble and ready to throw down? Hell yeah that's valid.

Now she's able to be a woman she no longer feels the need to put on an aggressive front so she can be more femme despite appearing butch? Hell yeah that's valid.

I love it.

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You know what the best thing about Bowsette is?

It's not just the depictions of Bowsette. Though that is absolutely a plus. (Especially transbian Bowser. So good)

It's all the amazing other iterations of the super crown, both silly and interesting.

Oops. Just as I said that the battery ran out. Luckily going home like... Imminently

4% left. >:3

no plug to plug my surface pro into sadly so it's just gonna have to get plugged in when I get home but we're doing this

it's still happening.

we're still powered up

aw yeeee

Telltale, layoffs 

Copy-pasted from a comment I made elsewhere:

I was watching an interview with the creative lead of Digital Extremes, the Warframe studio. Around the time before they released Warframe, they too were in some financial trouble.

What I found interesting was that their “we’re broke now” baseline was not the point at which the money was gone, but rather when money reached the point where they would be dipping into the reserves for covering employees’ severance if needed.

transbian bowser is as good as she is valid.

which is extremely.


On my robot emoji research binge, I learned that AIBO is available for pre-sale in the US, but nobody in Illinois can buy one.

is there no way to recoup the losses from the squishier teammates when necessary and otherwise deal large burst DPS to the ground??

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!