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okay real talk the metroids are actually kinda cute.

i have no shame for this. they are cute and i will fight you.

I read that mastodon article you all were talking about the other day and idk, it seems fine to me

Woah. I remember this, it's from my last school's first year project, Transhumance. But I don't remember if it was an ingame screenshot or an artwork.

The game does have a simple paint strokes effect in game though.

like if you dont turn into a werewolf from that i guess you never will

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reminder that mondays full moon is a SUPER BLOOD WOLF MOON

computer ranting 

I honestly have no problem at all with people who use and enjoy Apple products. I'm not gonna lie, they've made some genuinely attractive and VERY good products over the years.

Their insistence on refusing to use existing standards seemingly to just lock everyone else out of their "special club" and force end users to buy their specific stuff is fucking awful though.

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computer ranting 

@Nine Computering is a screaming fest. It only ends when there is no power left.

computer ranting 

"okay we got a sweet new connector called DisplayPort that's better than anything else!"
"Oh wow actually yeah display port is really good we should all support it."
"... Wait what"
"Hey yeah! Let's support mini dp for our monitors as well and pc graphics cards!"
"NEW PLAN we're gonna use the same form factor as mini dp but it's THUNDERBOLT NOW. No it's not fully compatible go fuck yourselves"

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computer ranting 

Good lord I hate Apple devices.
I hate them so much.
They're obstinate and argumentative and nitpicky about the most ridiculous shit.
"Oh I'm sorry I can't connect to this WiFi network because one of your WiFi extenders is the wrong country"
"What are you talking about?? They're all set to Europe because all of Europe uses the same wi-fi standards??"
"Yeah but is the UK REALLY Europe??"

British historians: we are a proud and noble empire, the highest of cultures
British history: dumb shit like this

oh jeez oh heck my monitors were pushed way oto far back and i'm STILL NOT EVEN SURE WHY

Hbomb's Donkey Kong 64 marathon stream starts today (Jan 18) at 20:30 UTC!! (15:30 US Eastern / 12:30 US Western / 07:30 East Australia)

It's benefitting that UK charity for trans youth that that piece of shit television writer tried to brigade.

domme shitpost 

If you domme someone into domming someone else that’s called playing domminoes.

y'got know idea how hard some of this garbage was, and how little I worried about making it work. So some of it kinda doesn't. It's beautiful. Also support my Patreon because I make good stuff

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!