nsfw? probably? 

i added a penalty

(unfortunately as admin i'm immune to it tho)

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nsfw? probably? 

i added a roulette mode to the buffstuff command to encourage people to clog their servers up with garbage, there's no real penalty for losing tho....... yet.

well i mentioned i'd added the feature and folks requested i add it to the bot so the bot how has 5 alternate colour options accessible with a slightly janky looking syntax

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working on my new paper, "Advancements and Patterns in Dancing Letter GIF Technology"

we've had this emoji on the server for like 3+ years... finally he is revealed to us all

the code's still a total shit mess but i got impatient and hacked it into my bot anyway

after wrestling with imagemagick for a couple hours i got it to stick 2 gifs together

now i need to make it do this via javascript,

making the frontend look nicer while i stall off making the backend for compiling the images into a single gif

here's step one, now i need to figure out how to compile the gifs into a single image

(then i need to make the site not look like shit)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!