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the second part works

the first part doesnt

these are in the same fucking file,

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been studying with the kanjidamage deck for just under 6 months now and im finally learning the kanji for "5",

oh yea i managed to get the taglist squares centred in the end, all i had to do was rewrite the entire taglist widget template,

πŸ˜† πŸ”«

oh yea i went to vote today and saw a squirrel, my gf tells me this means my vote is worth 5 votes now

huh, apparently awesome wm 4.3 dropped without me realising, which means i can finally use beautiful.notification_icon_size instead of having to do, this,

after a lot of digging i eventually found ricty, a font which combines inconsolata and migu 1m and solves my font problems

im kinda getting used to koichi substitute actually but.... backslashes are replaced with.... whatever this is. not sure about that one.

i spent all day elbow-deep in awesome wm's guts just to get it to do... this.

(no i dont know why the aspect ratio is like that, simplescreenrecorder wild for this one)

oh yea check out this extremely good sign edit i spotted on the way back from work the other day

i step out the room for a second then come back and all my addons are disabled

one of em is tree-style tabs so i can't access my tabs until its fixed

mozilla on wild for this one

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!