@quirk yeah there's some weird zooming/scrolling issues with it and i havent figured out how to make drag and drop work on mobile yet - i guess making it work on mobile will be the next like, milestone i work towards

anyway that's the Freya Update, kana app is here if anyone wanna check it out: coolgoth.zone/kana

i got an update im working on that adds a few nice features (or i think they're nice anyway) that'll be up sometime in the next couple weeks, it's basically finished but i wanna clean the code up a little before i merge the changes and launch it

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uhhhh i made a drag n drop app for learning kana but other than that i've not really done much productive since i was last on here due to mental health reasons and also physical health reasons (which were caused by mental health? got stress-induced ulcers so bad i couldnt eat solids for several days, fun shit)

feelin better today i think but i spent the whole day playin minecraft anyway whoops

im not dead i just forgot mastodon existed again whoops

CSS (Code Scribed by Satan, AKA. "The Devil's Language"),

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translating my shitty website to japanese: 20 mins
getting the language selector to show up in the right place: 2 hours

this was at 8am i came back and got more (but probably still not enough) sleep since then

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walking around on 1hr sleep and seeing 3 of the exact same car corner into the hospital grounds and thinking i've slipped into some kind of Dark Realm

fucks me up so bad that its 2019 and there's still no simple way to center things vertically with css

can't wait til 2 months from now when i'll be frantically digging around for Deals so i dont have to pay £20 to renew my stupid domain name

its hosted on heroku cos 1. i dont have money and 2. no one's gonna visit it anyways

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spent like 5 hours pissing about with web stuff, forgot to eat, whatever, check it out


i mean ive been meanin to make a site for months now, ever since i bought coolgoth.zone on a whim

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fuckin about with making a website as a way of learning how the hell heroku works

i entered a 3 hour trance making this, just placing hundreds of yoshi pics by hand, i've seen yoshis that dont even exist

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wondering why the discord bot im fuckin about with won't authenticate then realising after an hour of ramming my head against things that i'd set it in an environment variable and it had dollar signs in it so bash had just totally fucked it up

like technically nsfw 

@trinsec too hot to maintain corporeal form, im gonna melt and evaporate into a sentient mist

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!