non-programmers are an important part of open source projects. non-programmer contributions are valid and useful and not second tier or otherwise less valuable.

it's easy to say programmers are the only value-add when you're fortunate enough to have enough non-programmers that you can take them for granted.

if you take away the feature requests, translations, and general chatter - many OSS projects would have never been more than flawed, narrow use case tech demos.

looking at my old code like "what were you thinking, scarly? i'm taking away your python now before you hurt anyone."

*Hospital gets new patient information software* "Gee I wish the programmers had talked to some nurses and doctors instead of just other programmers"
*School gets new student assessment software* "Gee I wish the programmers had talked to some teachers and students instead of just other programmers"
*Construction company gets new materials tracking software* "Gee I wish the programmers had talked to some installers and estimators etc"

Just a trend I've noticed

my jaw has swollen to the point where my ears are closing and I feel dizzy/lightheaded... my f*ckin dentist appointment cant come soon enough

@RileySharkie I'm sure there's a song out there that has done that, country or not. lol

so, @Scarly has started working from home a little bit

my theory is that she's doing this because it allows her to scream in frustration when horrible emails come in

(and let me tell you, there have been a lot of horrible emails)

hrt timeline but it's my sona, sfw furry art 

feminizing hrt has some interesting effects on tiger sharks

most notably the fact they get much bigger overall

why is my brain always like

"you drew a cute character based on one of your others... you should make them into another OC!!"

it doesn't even matter if it's like "ok so this is what this character looked like before hrt"

brain goes "make them into another oc"

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i just read an article in the New Yorker about applying "decisionmaking science" to everyday life stuff like whether or not to get married, etc

my takeaway is that i don't understand white people

why do I wanna make a cute shark boy that's almost identical to my shark girl's early form

gender is a fuck, but it's your fuck, and you may fuck with it however you please

"I hope the toxic ideology of all those 40 year old abusive dads, 30-something soccer moms who run a bible school, and edgy 20 something incels is in it's death throes and rots like it should." - Anonymous trans woman on reddit

SRS+, loud 

I HAVE A CONFIRMED MAY 1ST SURGERY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

selfies, eye contact 

making a gender mood board

here we have androgynous gay elf, smug dyke who's trying to break into the local standup scene, and twink tftg victim

the scene where homer simpson is force-fed donuts in hell

except it's me and affection

Richard Stallman is what happens when scientists try to create a man with the greatest possible ratio of bad opinions to good ones

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!