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They say it couldn't be done
*looks at an infinite regression of bongo cats snaking all across the universe*
I think what they meant was that it shouldn't be done, and they were right

*approaches the space station from really far away*
*slowly gets closer, in oh so imperceptible increments*
*the sheer magnitude of the vastness of space is accentuated by the time it takes to finally get there*
*finally gets there*
*continues to drift, ever onward*

I'm really thinking should close new inscriptions for good.
Not because it's a bad instance, but because it's still used by too many people as the default entry point into the Fediverse. Also, with every now users, the human and financial cost of maintaining it keeps growing and it really takes a toll on the project's resources.

she dreamt she was a bulldozer
she dreamt she was alone in an empty field

[long silence]

a mlem powerful enough to move mountains and endear hearts thousands of miles away

Photosynthesis is basically magic.

That's my conclusion after 4 years of studying it.

tired: writing web standards through a long and complicated standards process
wired: writing web standards by messaging cute fairies and asking them what they think about things

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!