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The first step to search engine optimization is to ensure that the local wildlife gets enough food from natural sources, and to discreetly supplement those niches that do not


*jogs this way from a far distance away, ever so gradually getting closer*
*after the longest of whiles, get within speaking range*
*stops to take a few breaths*
hey, you look nice today
*keeps on going*

Do you ever feel the sun on your face when you're sitting at your desk and think about how it's radiation from a star that literally had to travel 8 minutes through space at the speed of light, filter through the atmosphere, then through your window, and it STILL feels warm? And meanwhile you're like... too busy to pay any attention, somehow.

*appears over a hill in the distance, and ever so slowly skis towards you*
[this approach takes some time, intensifying the utter stillness of the situation]
*finally gets into speaking range*
*continues on, becoming smoler with each passing moment*

Become the fluffy elephant friend you want to snuzzle in the world

The autumn wind is blowing dry leaves rasping over asphalt, the sound of treetops in motion a white noise underscore to this october night

*runs photogenically in slow motion along a beach, whilst everything else moves in normal speed all around; during the course of the run, a non-zero number of seagulls have taken seat and fallen asleep on my shoulders*

\      /\
  )   (   ' )
(   /    (

*returns from the Deep Deeps, after a month-long journey consisting of nothing but vertical movement*
*slowly sinks back down again, all energy spent*

Ask not what the unrelenting ululation can do for you
it has a very limited range of capabilities
mostly, it's ululating

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!