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The quality of a friendship is inversely proportional to the time you spend cleaning up for their visit.

It's a confusing time. I don't even know who my real imaginary friends are anymore.

Had a great idea for a cooking show where two cooks walk around forests cooking various wild animals.

But they won’t let me call it the Beary Hikers.


Just been for an evening walk with Jean Paul which is always delightful as it’s basically a whole load of this πŸ™„

#Mondog #DogsOfMastodon #FrenchBulldog

Published in 2016, this brilliant comic by artist Joe Dater somehow feels even more timely in 2023. #art

Air alarm. Apparently, russians will bomb us with their "good missiles" that bring russian peace🀒 I recently read an article about environmental protection. Do you think "good russian rockets" are environmentally friendly?

I am sick of being silenced for my perfectly valid beliefs*

* The Jetsons and The Flintstones take place simultaneously in the same cinematic universe due to a nuclear war tearing society into two different technologically based dichotomies

One thing to understand about police "reform" is that, if you have to teach someone that it's wrong to brutally beat an innocent person to death, you _can't_ actually teach them that it's wrong to brutally beat an innocent person to death.

I used to be lactose intolerant. But then some lactose moved in next door, we became friends, and I grew as a person

I’m the spirit of sharing quality content, please enjoy my favorite meme of all time.

Saying β€œhalf the country” is voting for these people gives them credence. The Republicans are not 50% of voters, they just have rigged the playing field so they have outsized influence on our government/elections. We need to remind people that the majority does not agree with the right’s agenda and to use their votes and voices to make that abundantly clear.

Men: Every man who’s nice to you isn’t trying to fuck you.

Women: Ok now replace β€œman” with β€œwoman,” read that back to yourselves, and act accordingly.


The people voting for this probably never realized that they're voting in favor of slavery.

The overturn of Roe vs Wade is a disguise to return women to a condition of chattel slavery.

This time with the state determining agency & autonomy instead of a male relative or spouse. The Saudis would be proud of this version of sharia law.

"Parental rights" disguises laws recreating slavery. Children as slaves to their parent's bigotry.

Criminalizing trans care is no different.

Dear corporate media: the man who attacked Paul Pelosi is a MAGA TERRORIST. He ADMITS waging attack on Pelosi's for political reasons including saying it was because Pelosi/Dems "stole the election" from Trump. That is domestic terrorism under federal law. Not calling him a terrorist makes us less safe. My article

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!