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Saw it during the Duhbya years. I was living in a remote and deeply agricultural rural county, where all the farmers and ranchers were pumping their fists in the air because their boy had finally done something to hurt the illegals. Then they suddenly had nobody to work their crops. There were large hand-sprayed plywood signs by the highway promising twice the previous year's wages, begging somebody, anybody, to apply. They all took a major bath.

These are the same people who can't wait for Donald Trump to become king. Because they're not very bright.

The shockwaves from this week's events, culminating with the relatively less-consequential immunity decision on Monday, will be felt for the rest of our lives and likely into our childrens' dotage. Plan accordingly.

Anyone voting for #Trump?

Hold up your hand. In about a 45 degree angle

Cause you're voting for a fascist

My husband and I are trans. My family is full of queer people.

Trump has explicitly and repeatedly promised to use the apparatus of the federal government to go after families like ours.

He'll be aided by a state government in #Indiana that has shown that it has the appetite to help.

My family is so terrified right now. We're making plans in case we have to flee to someplace safer.

I’m struggling because I am angry.

I’m angry that these people who are in a field that has a complete disconnect with the type of problem they are claiming to solve, have had so much influence and power.

Every single regular person understands how this is bullshit, they just wrapped it up in stuff that sounded complicated, mathy, scientific and rigorous.

Try to ask any woman on the planet what are the considerations (variables) affecting if, how and when she would leave her abusive husband. She could write you a whole paper, it would have so many variables. One single decision. So many possible outcomes and blowbacks. So much risk to be managed. One single action in a relatively small part of a complex adaptive system. And she knows it in her bones.

And these assholes make a childish formula and fuck up real peoples lives over it.

Anyway, Meta now has a block list that contains half the instances on Fedi and there's literally no way to know why

Cool and good instance to federate with

Definitely participating in Fedi in good faith

Not just more bullshit from the same fucks who brought you Cambridge Analytica

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Via Angry Staffer:

It’s disappointing watching people call for #Biden’s head after one off night, especially when he was the clear winner in actual substance.

Besides, Biden could be an *actual* potato sitting on a podium, and he would still be the correct choice over Trump’s Project 2025 bullshit.

From a leftist trans woman to my liberal cis allies: I imagine you may be feeling some of the terror we have been simmering in for years. I know many of you may not be able to give unqualified and expansive support of trans rights, but please at least prevent fascism.

We can't. We have no power, we are only subject to those who do. Without exaggeration: they want to kill us.

Shen Yun is a great show. Ending features a Windows 97-esque animation projecting a tidal wave about to hit Beijing with the looming face of Karl Marx (who has a hammer and sickle on his forehead as well as red eyes) which was defeated by the cult founder of Falun Gong.

I loved the line β€œatheism and evolutionary theory harm mankind” (yes, this is a direct quote, they are very subtle) and also now believe that interracial marriage, homosexuality, and modern science is wrong. I too think China should again be a slave based society ruled by a dynasty.

Remember kids, the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.

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Absolutely nothing changed from before the debate to after the debate.

Biden is still old and of questionable mental and physical performance.

Biden still holds some policy positions that many of us would strongly prefer he didn't or even find abhorrent.

Despite that, Biden's overall policy platform is still reasonably well aligned with America's interests and values on most major issues, with modest but measurable progress on several important ones.

Biden's administration that surrounds him is still competent, qualified, and loyal to our constitution.

For whatever set of policies we might disagree with Biden on, Trump's policy positions are still qualitatively and quantitatively worse.

Under a Trump administration, people that you care about will likely be persecuted and oppressed in the best case, and possibly even rounded up into camps, deported, or executed.

Under a Trump administration, not only will the US reluctantly arm Israel, but we will likely actively participate in atrocities, the worst tendencies of Netanyahu's far-right extremist coalition will be encouraged, and the Palestinians will be slaughtered to make way for beach resorts.

Under a Trump administration, aid to Ukraine will likely be rescinded and Putin will be allowed to conquer and commit war crimes with impunity.

Under a Trump administration, the civil service will be purged, and martial law will likely be declared.

Under a Trump administration, our rule of law and our democracy will likely collapse and be replaced by corrupt authoritarianism.

This election won't be decided by the people that love Biden or that love Trump. It will be decided by the people that stay home instead of voting.

Deciding to stay home instead of voting doesn't make you pure, it makes you complicit in whatever happens next.

All of that was true before the debates, and all of it remains true today.


If you're wondering how my Friday is going, I reformatted my NAS by accident :blobcatshocked:

(Don't worry, it looks like I didn't lose anything other than the apps that I had install because I was smart and had backups)

People act like they never watched the 2020 or 2016 debates. Y’all β€” Clinton absolutely flopped in one of the debates. Biden so in 2020. Even Obama, a much stronger orator, had bad debates. This β€œthe sky is falling” thing is tedious, and all of the hand wringing is exactly what the GOP, the Russians, the Chinese, and the billionaire scumbags want from you. The β€œswap candidates” bullshit is meant to divide the dems, nothing more.

@GottaLaff I'm neither sad nor disappointed. Biden may be old, he may stumble given his stutter, but everything he said was the truth. Everything he said was the truth, everything. Each bragadocious statement from Trump was a glorified lie.
The reason we have VPs is in the event of a death or failure in the Oval Office, and Kamala Harris is perfect capable of carrying us forward. If he felt he was completely incapable, he would step aside. That's the man he is.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

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