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I’d vote for someone who can’t finish a sentence over someone who should be serving one.

This election is "nothing short of a referendum on our 248-year democracy, and a choice between a trustworthy public servant who upholds American values and a serial liar who wants to push the country into authoritarianism."

Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House: Trump - Los Angeles Times

Every mention of rich white men donors having issues with Biden makes me donate a little more. I’d like to BOOT THEM.

My goal as a middle aged woman is to participate in trends in such a cringe way that it makes the trend itself cringey.


Has anyone watched the show "Geek Girl" on Netflix? I'm watching it now. The lead character is autistic. The circumstances aren't my life - I've never been a model - but the feelings, the struggles, the questions? Oh yeah, that's me.

Being older is not a FUCKING CRIME. If you live LONG ENOUGH to be old, you’ll see what foolish assholes you are. I’m disgusted.

8 July 1941 | A French Jewish boy, Charles Bernath, was born in Paris.

In September 1942 he was deported to Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.

Shark Tank but, in this version, the investors are placed in literal tanks with sharks.

@ScottSoCal @JonChevreau @GottaLaff @emptywheel
It should not even be this close, right? If the US were that serious, that mature, stable, law-abiding country as we like to claim ourselves to be, that racist, convicted felon would not be anywhere near a party nomination.

Putin is raining missiles down on Ukraine, while dumbfuck MAGA cultists want to make his greatest working asset the president of the United States, again. What a fuckin’ world.

That ecstatic feeling when voters defy right-wing media noise and turn out in unprecedented numbers to tell the fascists to crawl back into the sewers they crawled out of. Republique Square in Paris yesterday, photo by Olympia de Maismont.

@TonyStark @Okanogen
Hopefully, after Joe Biden's latest statement on the matter they'll retract their calls for him to step down and start working to help keep the GOP from accruing anymore power for their #Project2025 Putsch.

"You'll never be unhoused in Americaβ€”if you're a car."

There are a quarter of a billion cars in the U.S.β€”and 2 billion parking spaces.

The nation now builds more 3-car garages than 1-bedroom apartments.


@GottaLaff @emptywheel As long as NYT and other MSM keeps flogging the Biden-is-old story 45 is happy not to be the center of attention. Starting to listen to his advisors, for once.

bigotry towards polyamory, mentions of similar queer trauma and -phobias 

a while ago i knew a few (poly!) people who were adamant that polyamory isn’t queer, because straight cis people can want to date multiple people and then claim to be queer when they don’t actually have any clue what it’s like to be gay, trans, etc.

having just seen numerous people call polyamory β€œdisgusting,” i really feel like this take erases the bigotry and bias that poly people face. like,

i grew up thinking i was a broken freak because i couldn’t do monogamy. i didn’t even know that poly existed. i didn’t know i wasn’t straight or cis until years later, but failing at monogamy was what 15-year-old rune wrote angsty poems about. doesn’t this sound kinda familiar to any trans people? any aces? etc?

and at least in the US, poly people don’t have marriage equality even in most places where gay marriage is recognized, and where trans people can legally correct the gender on their IDs / birth certificates, etc.

NOT trying to do oppression olympics β€” different marginalized groups experience different struggles. my point isn’t that it’s worse for poly, just that how can you say that poly people don’t share the β€œqueer experience?” for most of my life it’s felt like poly wasn’t even on the fucking radar. i assumed i would have to β€œwait my turn” to fight for marriage equality and, ultimately, i expected to die before poly people have marriage equality (and still do).

so complete strangers call me a disgusting whore, tell me i have commitment issues, constantly ask me stupid questions about poly β€œbut aren’t you worried you or your partner will fall in love with someone else?” (that’s the goal, yes!) the same way i got asked stupid questions about being bi β€œbut how do you know you like girls if you’ve never been with one”

so when someone says poly isn’t queer i kinda wanna do violence. stop erasing us, stop belittling us, and stop telling us we’re not welcome at the rainbow table.

[i don’t think this needs to be said here, since fedi is apparently a giant polycule. but i just wanted to get it off my chest. will probably delete after a short bit because i’m not trying to rage-bait either.

edit: though i say it makes me β€œkinda wanna do violence” i’m just expressing my personal pain at being told my poly-specific oppression β€œdoesn’t count.” i’m a reasonable person and i’m good at listening, so if you have any decent and respectful information on why people think this and the argument for not including poly in queer, you really can share and i promise i won’t bite your face.]

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!