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Do you like the US Supreme Court?

Reminder that you're voting for who gets the #SCOTUS seats of Thomas and Alito in this election.

That's the legacy at stake here.

The one old guy is now out.

The other old guy is an old lying pedophile philandering racist rapist, convicted of 34 felonies, liable for $464 million of fraud, who ripped off thousands of people, stole US military documents, and tried to violently overthrow the government.

I don't care who runs with Harris. I'm in . Too old, too short, too fat, too female, too gay, too white, too conservative, too liberal, too young, too from the wrong part of the country, honestly, I'm not fighting over this stuff - I'm in this to win with President Harris. To save womens reproductive freedom and democracy from the two gross guys running for MAGA.

I'm doing this to honor the achievements of the most successful legislative President in my lifetime. Joe beats FDR because FDR had Democratic Supermajorities in Both Houses, and Joe faced bare majorities or a House in control by MAGA. Joe's done won for us nobodies by sheer skill, compassion, and strategy. We'll never see anyone else as good in this century.


Congratulations to the New York Times, who not only fucked up the 2016 election by publishing the Hilary emails shit weeks before that election, the relentless op-ed bullshit for the past month will certainly put into question the chances the Dems had of winning in 2024.

But I bet you sold a lot of newspapers stoking the fires of fascism, so great job NYT!

I've been staying out of the discussion over Biden's candidacy, and I probably still will. But I wanted to express my gratitude for him defeating Trump last time, and for a term that was more productive than many, me included, expected. His deep contrast as a person and a leader to Trump was a huge relief, and I'm thankful for it.

I'm definitely up for the series finale of the Donald Trump saga being the one where he loses to a Black woman.

I like to imagine that Joe Biden’s going to use his new-found freedom and his presidential immunity to go on an absolute killing spree. Four months of non-stop malarkey. Untouchable, beyond remorse, beyond the law. Fear the rise of Dark Brandon.

Which white male below the age of retirement will be VP on the Harris ticket?

(this instance is limited to 4 options)

I’m going to reiterate what I said the other day. I don’t give one shit who the Dem nominee AGAINST FASCISM is. I ONLY CARE that FASCISM LOSES.

The most important thing to me this November is that Donald Trump loses, but it would also be pretty damn cool to have a Black woman president. So let's do this.


This campaign's juxtaposition now is simple & couldn't be clearer for multiple generations to understand:

The King of Ponzi scheming who kept Mein Kampf on a nightstand & whose dad was arrested at a KKK meeting who published the racist Central Park Five hitpiece & got Roe overturned

A Black woman prosecutor who is pro-abortion.

I will never forgive The New York Times for bringing this to pass. They violated the journalistic norms they claim to uphold in their vindictive campaign against him. They hounded him out of office. They'd best not crow and they'd best not do the same to Kamala Harris. But I have no faith they can restrain themselves. Same to the Post.

Eviscerate that criminal on the debate stage from asshole to toupΓ©e, Madam Soon-to-Be-President. We got you.

I would like to confidently announce that I have no idea what will happen and no idea whether the result of today's news will be good or bad. Follow me for more.

This is the put up or shut up moment

β€œGood white folx” it’s on you to PROVE your rhetoric and commitment to equity by standing behind the first Black woman for president or your allegiance to white supremacy and anti-Blackness


Poll after poll finds majorities want #Trump to withdraw. That info's in the 14th or 15th graph of every write up of a poll showing that Biden's unpopular.

Trump's unfavorables, 54%, are 2 pts better than Biden's 56% in 538's avg.

Most people wanting the convicted felon not to run just isn't a story for some reason. Shit like his "black outreach" gets more coverage.

But people are still in denial about the media's role in this mess.


The effects from climate change are harming many populations, but there's one group of animals that is thriving: cephalopods. This is an amazing story about the resilience of octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish. I am ready for octo-world!

"Anybody who is telling you that women, who vote in larger numbers than men, are going to just roll over and allow a ghastly political party headed by a serial abuser and convicted rapist to hold power over them isn’t worth listening to about anything ever again." -D. Earl Stephens

Adam Schiff is getting lots of blowback after his white privilege surface to the top of his forehead.

I'm not sure we can even win that Senate seat now?

Black voters all helped Schiff win the primary Nevertheless it seems he has forgotten all about that.😑

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

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