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I woke up to an email from my college boyfriend (from 40 years ago) apologizing to me for allowing me to get an abortion. I don't know what's in the water on the other side, but if this is what passes for appropriate, I will fight until I drop.

I admin a local "pantry" group on Facebook, for food sharing. Basically, if you have food (or other stuff, but mostly food) that you don't want for whatever reason you can post it in the group and give it away. It stops good being thrown out and wasted, and helps people who might be going hungry otherwise.

Tonight a woman put up a post talking about how she's a young mum with two small boys, and that they were out of food until Thursday. She talked about how she was embarrassed to ask but really needed help.

Two women answered the post, offering food. The OP explained that she didn't drive and would it be ok of people dropped things at her place, so I offered to drive around and collect the things people were giving and drop them at her place. I don't have spare food I can help with, but I have a car and I have time.

The second woman I collected from was someone I actually met at the beginning of the year, when she posted in the group and asked for help with cleaning supplies.. I gave her a bunch of things I had tucked away under the sink and didn't use.

She had told me then about how her partner had just been diagnosed with cancer. She told me tonight how she'd stayed in the group because she was waiting for the opportunity to help someone else because we'd helped her so much. She's doing better now, and it made her feel happy she could help someone else.

When I dropped the food these two women had given to the OP, she talked to me about how her partner had died suddenly the year before, leaving her with two young boys.. both with autism and ADHD. She said she's 31 and doesn't have her life together yet. I told her I'm 50 and mines a mess too. I told her that one of the women who had offered food was someone the group had helped previously, and how happy she'd been to be able to help as well. We talked about how community means not only helping people, but also being helped. We talked about how this means that our communities are stronger and prosper together. She's looking forward to being able to help someone else too.

This is how mutual aid works. No matter how dark things get, we can find hope in community.

#MutualAid #Indigenous #Aboriginal #CommunityCare #CommunityNotCops #RegionalAustralia

@ScottSoCal @MugsysRapSheet Especially in light of the fact he dismantled Obama’s pandemic preparation before it happened.

#Techbros are again leading the charge by reinventing what was already there…

I didn't want to focus too much on #Covid b/c his Cult thinks "that was just bad luck", and things weren't great BEFORE Covid either.

It could be that a 78-year-old criminal sociopathic malignant narcissistic racist rapist with advancing dementia won't strike many people as presidential material this time around. #JustSayin'


We’ve got just over 100 days to elect Kamala Harris and win a Democratic trifecta that will restore reproductive freedom and repair our democracy. Take our pledge and sign up to go all-in to win in November:

I saw a tag that said, "There are weeks where decades happen.", and I've rarely felt anything more in my life.


β€œWe will always be thankful for President Biden's leadership. He supported our country during the most dramatic moment in history, assisted us in preventing Putin from occupying our country, and has continued to support us throughout this terrible war."
- President Zelensky
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Zelensky #war #Biden #USA #Breaking #BreakingNews

Via Brendan Keefe - Atlanta News:

Georgia's Sec of State office just confirmed this. "The Dems haven’t had their convention, so there is no 'nominee' to replace." It's not too late in Ga or anywhere else, despite what you're hearing from twitterati.

It's a myth that all deadlines to get on Nov ballot have elapsed. Those deadlines were for 3rd-party & indep candidates. Biden wasn't on any ballots yet bc he was only presumptive nominee. Ds & Rs tell the states who their nominees are. Still time

IT'S PRETTY CLEAR TO ME (based on this) a LOT of people need a refresher course on just what the T**** Years were REALLY like.

Too many voters seem to have NO memory of what those years were actually like (from his first impeachment, his 30K lies, "falling in love" with #KimJongUn & #Putin, throwing paper towels in PR, exploding the #Debt & #Deficit (PRE-#Covid), shutting down the Press Office, surrounding himself with criminals, and packing the Courts with sycophants.)

Both sides are not the same!

President Joe Biden handed power to his VP.

President Donald Trump tried to have his VP murdered in order to hold onto power.

The truth Putin is hiding from Russians!

β€œCorpse flies crawl into your face. Out of three hundred fighters, there were only two of us left - me and Romka, and then he died. Later, reinforcements arrived, thirty people, now there are ten of us left,”
- Russian occupier at Vovchanska, Ukraine
#AureFreePress #news #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #Moscow

My regular reminder that Twitter is a Trump campaign site, and if you aren't aware of that, you should stop trusting yourself.


US pol: sorting humans into bins 

Republicans have no ideas for who they want to help or what they want to make. They just want to get rid of people.

People holding the signs must know this, but some "moderates" might not have put together that "mass deportation" is always mass violence. It means creating camps, patrols, papers to show when they say "papers please" You thought COVID rules were bad? Baby stuff. You want to sort all humans by where they were born! Into bins and boxcars. It's ugly.

Sat, #TFG uncorked one of his longest rants ever in praise of the world’s autocrats, strongmen & dictators -hailed Xi as brilliant for controlling 1.4B ppl β€œwith an iron fist,” & described Xi, Putin & Orban as β€œtough” & β€œsmart.” His campaign promise of authoritarian rule & GOP’s embrace of it, shows another #media failure.

Dems must expose the threat of a #TFG presidency. Voters need to hear about how he'd dismantle the govt, #climate initiatives, regs...

#Harris USPol

Hey do any of you work with dogs? How do you get a start in that kind of work? Someone in my family would like to do this.

Boost for more replies, please!

Little Known Fact: Donald Trump’s signature is based on all of his polygraph tests.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

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