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One of the things I liked about Elizabeth Warren's campaign is that she bought the same blazer in a bunch of different colors and paired it with black shirt/pants like she was a Starfleet Admiral.


Andreessen makes it clear -expects presidential attention -getting since he was 23. Given the number of times Andreessen & Horowitz make refs. to various meetings with various pols, it's easy to get the impression -mostly insulted -they're being treated like ordinary constituents.

Looking at a simple trade against personal liberty -abortion, the rights of gay & trans ppl & possibly democracy itself -IN FAVOR OF #crypto, #AI, & a tax policy they like better.


darwin: *looking down*
angel: what’s going on?
darwin: watch this

@ScottSoCal Yes, it’s so terrible. And he just dismisses the fact that his child was suicidal as if it wasn’t really true because of his own feelings about her transition. What a horrible person.

I know everyone has their thing. That one book they're crazy about. Mine happens to be Dennis E Taylors Bobiverse series. I cannot tell you how much I want to be a Von Neumann probe, fired far out into deep space beyond the Oort Cloud and away from all of this. Just replicant versions of myself to chat with in a VR pub. Much like how I treat Fedi.

Anyway - should anyone be interested.... there is finally a release date for book 5 (Not Till We Are Lost) - Sept 5 2024. The Bobiverse Series has also been optioned to Lord Miller Prods/Universal, so fingers crossed there.

The right is fearful about the prospect of a Black woman becoming president. The right is no champion for Black folks to vote either. Closing voting centers, purging voter registrations, etc. They can and will try some shenanigans . Make sure you are registered to vote. Pay attention to deadlines.

Musk not only deadnamed his daughter, but he doubled down on the deadnaming and justified it by saying he was doing it because his son was dead.

Oh, he also blamed COVID for his giving parental permission for her to transition and the β€œwoke mind virus” (which he vows to kill) for her decision to do so.

He said all these things in a lengthy interview on X.

People legitimize that site by using it, giving Musk a bullhorn.

#lgbtq #LGBTQIA #Musk #X

β€œShe will not show up for the Prime Minister’s joint session of Congress… She’d rather address in the summer a sorority, a colored sorority, like she can’t get outta that!”

β€” Brian Kilmeade, on Fox & Friends, criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris.

#Racism #Misogeny #Fox #FoxNews #BrianKilmeade

Is this useful? I've been thinking about how to point out the adoption of a term to cover for racism.

I'm OUT for Kamala Harris and you should be, too!

JOIN THE LGBTQ+ UNITY CALL Thursday at 9pm ET! Vice President @KamalaHarris has been a champion for our community. That's why Advocates for Trans Equality, the
Task Force Action Fund, Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Dems, and the Human Rights Campaign are rallying our communities nationwide to UNITE to win this election!

Register and join LGBTQ+ people and allies for a call on Thursday, July 25. #OutForHarris

Link to join below!

You know all those headlines about the amazing amount of money being donated to Harris for President and allied groups? Never underestimate how important small dollar donations are to that total. If you have donated to #MastodonForHarris or spread the word, you are an important part of #HarrisForPresident #harris2024.

Join in!

Holy crap, I caught a pic of a bee in flight!


My neighbor, with a heavily fertilized and watered lawn and a couple flowerpots on life support: How do you get so many bees?

Me, with a yard full of flowering plants: How do you cultivate the bees' land?

Long-term goal: no grass, only bees.

listen Roadrunner I'm on your side but this just feels like cheating

We interrupt your regularly scheduled feed to bring you this breaking bulletin:

I finally remembered the name of the song that's been pounding in my head all day, so now I can listen to it and make it stop.

"no one will ever spot me here, i am the master of disguise"--Brown Thrasher, probably

#birds #birding #photograph #WildlifeWednesday

so my sister-in-law has a pretty "tomboy" 7ish-year-old niece who has a very short haircut (think young Haley Joel Osment) and her mother-in-law took the kid out grocery shopping last week. Kid was in a dress, princess headband, and carrying a wand because fuck it they're like 7 years old who gives a shit, right?

some fucking white trash piece of shit man in the store approaches her MIL and starts saying to her that what she's doing is "disgusting" and "wrong" and it is "sick" what is being "forced" on the kid

it took her about 3 seconds to realize just what the hell this trump-voting asshole was going on about before looking right at him and going: "first off, she's a girl. second, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

so yeah, these assholes exist and we're going to destroy them in november and make them cry

(thankfully, their niece had no idea what the heck was going on and simply just thought the 'big white man' was a 'jerk for yelling at grammy')

honestly, knowing 'grammy' that guy is lucky he didn't get his jacobs sliced off in the middle of the bread aisle Bricktop-style

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!