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Also, as an "official act" (hello SCOTUS!), Biden should unilaterally make voting day a national holiday so no one has to choose between participating in democracy or still having a job.

And create a universal vote-by-mail incentive that's so good even red states can't turn it down.

And maybe replace postmaster DeJoy. Like, what the heck. How is that trump stooge still in office?

The media spent a month talking about Biden's mental faculties. They talked about almost nothing else until Biden stepped down.

Now, suddenly, the media has decided that the mental faculties of a presidential candidate is no longer a national emergency that requires constant discussion, and have largely moved on to other topics.

@ScottSoCal @barney @w7voa

Manchin & Sinema sabotaged initiatives & were rewarded handsomely for it.

They were literally bribed by Republican donors.
1. Voting rights
2. Election security
3. Minimum wage
4. Carried interest tax loophole
5. Green New Deal
6. Public education protections
7. Immigration reform & border security
8. Russian sanctions
9. Saudi Arabia weaponry
10. Jan 6 investigation
11. Reproductive access
12. Senate confirmations
13. Filibuster Rules
14. Gun safety


Federal minimum wage in:

2009: $7.25
2010: $7.25
2011: $7.25
2012: $7.25
2013: $7.25
2014: $7.25
2015: $7.25
2016: $7.25
2017: $7.25
2018: $7.25
2019: $7.25
2020: $7.25
2021: $7.25
2022: $7.25
2023: $7.25
2024: $7.25

Folks, it's time to raise the damn wage already.

BREAKING: After Kamala Harris raised over $250 million the last 2 days, Clarence Thomas contacted her asking if she’s looking for any vacation guests.

Harris declined the call and referred all inquiries to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

"I haven’t seen this level of mass enthusiasm for a Presidential candidate since the Obama '08 campaign. The party is united, and energized. They don’t want to spend a few weeks evaluating who the candidate with the highest favorability rating might be. They want to stand together, declaring in one voice 'We won’t go back' and defeat the existential threat posed by Trumpism."

~ Dave Karpf

#KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump #Democrats

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@ScottSoCal @Tharpa @locksmithprime @otownKim @Lightfighter I’d suggest Dylan’s Knocking on Heaven’s Door but no one would answer him

I had 35,000 music lovers following me at that other site before Elon Musk ruined it. Please follow me here and help spread the word in the Fediverse.

One of the things I liked about Elizabeth Warren's campaign is that she bought the same blazer in a bunch of different colors and paired it with black shirt/pants like she was a Starfleet Admiral.

@locksmithprime @JonChevreau @otownKim @Lightfighter Jesus, that sounds so freaking awesome, I hope you're right. It certainly tracks, according to google. πŸ‘


Andreessen makes it clear -expects presidential attention -getting since he was 23. Given the number of times Andreessen & Horowitz make refs. to various meetings with various pols, it's easy to get the impression -mostly insulted -they're being treated like ordinary constituents.

Looking at a simple trade against personal liberty -abortion, the rights of gay & trans ppl & possibly democracy itself -IN FAVOR OF #crypto, #AI, & a tax policy they like better.


darwin: *looking down*
angel: what’s going on?
darwin: watch this

@ScottSoCal Yes, it’s so terrible. And he just dismisses the fact that his child was suicidal as if it wasn’t really true because of his own feelings about her transition. What a horrible person.

I know everyone has their thing. That one book they're crazy about. Mine happens to be Dennis E Taylors Bobiverse series. I cannot tell you how much I want to be a Von Neumann probe, fired far out into deep space beyond the Oort Cloud and away from all of this. Just replicant versions of myself to chat with in a VR pub. Much like how I treat Fedi.

Anyway - should anyone be interested.... there is finally a release date for book 5 (Not Till We Are Lost) - Sept 5 2024. The Bobiverse Series has also been optioned to Lord Miller Prods/Universal, so fingers crossed there.

The right is fearful about the prospect of a Black woman becoming president. The right is no champion for Black folks to vote either. Closing voting centers, purging voter registrations, etc. They can and will try some shenanigans . Make sure you are registered to vote. Pay attention to deadlines.

Musk not only deadnamed his daughter, but he doubled down on the deadnaming and justified it by saying he was doing it because his son was dead.

Oh, he also blamed COVID for his giving parental permission for her to transition and the β€œwoke mind virus” (which he vows to kill) for her decision to do so.

He said all these things in a lengthy interview on X.

People legitimize that site by using it, giving Musk a bullhorn.

#lgbtq #LGBTQIA #Musk #X

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

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