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Hey #disability #neurodivergent #tech folks! Not enough spoons so I'm here asking #fediverse for suggestions. I want an affordable tablet with keyboard (Β£200-250) as proxy laptop so I can work outside (because my laptop cannot handle being taken out of my desk anymore!), or to enable me to work when I'm in bed especially when I have very scarce energy! :ablobcatwobwork:


I don't know if it's Guardian specifically, but there are a weirdly large number of outlets (including the Guardian) claiming that the far right have taken over the european parliament.

The actual results show the number of far right MEPs has barely changed, but no one is reporting this for some reason.

Speaking as someone observing from across the pond, I find it very disheartening that the Left in America seem more intent on arguing whether they're pro-Biden or anti-Biden than they are about recognising that they're all anti-Trump.

#USPolitics #USPol

Rewatching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
S02 is the best of ST.
Such an amazing series.
I wish there were 50 episodes per season.

Dinner! Green Goddess Lobstah Roll and Cucumber Asparagus Salad with a Lemon Vinaigrette.

Please help my partner and I cover the livesaving care costs for an injured dog we met, who turned out to belong to a homeless person. Anything you can do, including boosting, is greatly appreciated.

YouTube video:
Vet receipt (hosted on my website):

#MutualAid #dogs #animals #homeless #pets #GoFundMe

Have nothing in your home that you do not
● know to be useful
● believe to be beautiful
● feel unaccountable vague fondness for
● can imagine a hypothetical situation in which you'd *really* need it
● firmly intend to get round to doing something with one of these days
● can't remove because of all the other junk piled on top of it
● feel guilty about not dealing with something more important first
● fear throwing away in case you remember tomorrow why you bought it
● miscellaneous

I'm a scientist. I believe in fact-based analysis.
But here's a conspiracy theory I totally believe in:
Fossil-fuel companies and producers manipulate gasoline prices in the run-up to elections.

Lots of lessons for the US from France today, the most important being what the voters really said:
"We're not happy with [the president] either, but we're not going to let the Right steal the country through our apathy."


This was a rough week in my area with dogs getting dumped by the side of the parkway or chained to a pole in the rain at a store and left there.

If you can't keep your dog, please, please, please don't just dump them. Take them to your nearest animal shelter and tell them you can't keep them anymore. And if you have to, leave them at a shelter where they will be found quickly and not left out in the elements for hours.

They loved you and trusted you. Don't traumatize them by just dumping them. 😭

#dogsofmastodon #MustLoveDogs

@joaopinheiro @clive "Half of America" is NOT pro-Trump. An oppressive system amplifying the wishes of oligarchy and supported by fascist minority, THAT is what is pro-Trump.

San Francisco is such a terrifyingly liberal doom-loopy place, now people are showing up at my door to compel me to eat sweet organic strawberries from Watsonville. (Thank you,!)

So basically, Macron scared the bejesus out of sane France and they came together to assure the fascists would not win. That is what should be happening in the US if we would get our act together and tell media's baying bloodhounds to fuck off and prioritize democracy.


Also, tell your friends about All. The. Things. Biden has done so far.

– Created millions of jobs;
– Taxed corporations not families;
– Got US climate action going in a big way;
– Capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month;
– Incentives on Made In America;
– Made it easier to get birth control pills;
– Student debt relief,
– Made a string of clean energy projects happen...

and on an on. The list is long, and a lot of people don't know about all this.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!