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Please, VP Harris, don’t debate the jackass on Fox β€œNews,” which isn’t even a legitimate news outlet; it’s pure fascist propaganda.

Trump is a useful idiot who can’t survive any debate without being tossed softballs that he can barely catch. He’s worse with hardballs. Lastly, Cadet Bone Spurs hasn’t got any balls.
#ChickenShitTrump #DonaldTrump #TrumpWontDebate #KamalaHarris

If you find yourself wondering why your feed on Mastodon is incredibly hostile or toxic, spend a few minutes going through the worst offending posts and see who's posting or boosting them.

I did this and discovered that the worst offenders were a small handful of accounts that were constantly boosting or posting very negative stuff. Once they were removed from my feed (it was like only like three or four accounts), everything improved dramatically.

#feditips #feditip

It’s insane that a handful of white men can create this much trauma and drama for the entire planet.

Pete was beak surfing just now 😜😜😜😜😜 #parrot #birb 12 second video

Toilets that signal *what* the infrastructure is, rather than *who* can enter.

πŸ“: Bruges, Belgium

I just had a very satisfying visit from a local MAGAt, once again running for office (and destined to lose).

He handed me a flyer, introduced himself, and I interrupted him to tell him to stop filing lawsuits against the city, he was wasting my tax dollars, and I wouldn't vote for him till hell froze over.

As a weirdo, I have mixed feelings about the use of 'weird' to attack the far right.

Obviously, it's accurate. Also it seems to rattle them, and I appreciate that.

I just can't help worrying about people reinforcing the stigma against weirdness without registering what they're doing.

@GottaLaff Barr was an active puppeteer in the coverup of Trump crimes. He must be investigated.
The coverup of the corruption was more extensive than I imagined, and I have an active imagination.

Harry: "Whenever I search for "Kim and Paris" I get these two random people, who even are they? It seems one is a Cardassian?"

How do you pronounce it?
(pls boost for reach)

Interesting time in politics. I’m starting to think that Harris is the best candidate for us at this point of our history. It makes the choice so much clearer for those who are chronically and almost irremediably shortsighted and believe orangeade is a viable choice.

As a man who believes that kindness should be paid forward, I feel that my old oscilloscope, this FNIRSI model that cost about $200, should go to someone more disadvantaged than I am.

It's fine for any single signal under about 25-30MHz. Stick to under 10MHz if you're using both channels. It has two channels and a function generator output that does various waveforms. It's the absolute bare minimum of functionality that you could call a digital storage oscilloscope and not be lying. It comes with two probes, and will take any USB port for power.

It's not a fake scope or anything, it's just the extreme low-end of DSO functionality. If you want to play with 80s computers, it's fine for that. For the stuff I did when I bought it, it works fine, but as my abilities and projects expand, it no longer meets my needs is all.

And for you, provided you're in need of it, it's free. I'll even pay the shipping. Just promise to learn to use it properly, and not rely exclusively on the auto-configuration.

I would prefer that this go to someone known to me, but if nobody who fits that description needs it, I'll find someone.

Open question: Do you think Trump's next bloody-coup will be successful? The first bloody-coup was quite a good effort, but didn't yield the desired result, I wonder if Trump has learned anything from the experience, and will stage a better, more effective bloody-coup going forward.

What's most fascinating to me about the discourse around the #NABJ Trump interview is how many people think Scott's opening question was "hostile". It really reflects the reality of so many #BIPOC folks-- where literally just saying that someone has done something racist (especially in the workplace), even just repeating back their own racist words/ actions, (no matter *what* tone you use) gets you labeled "hostile" or "aggressive" or "angry". Saying the question was "hostile" speaks volumes.

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ScottinSoCal πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ•Š πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ's choices:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!