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extremely want to drink an entire fucking jug of coffee to finish this java assignment

Doritos are the shattered limbs of the fell-prince Dorit, King of Gamers

i dunno i've been thinking about travel again and i'm just mad that we don't have amazing intercity train networks

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you ever just think about how much everything could be paid for if anybody rich just had to pay like, any taxes at all.

like, effectively [i]at all[/i].

whatever you clever web kids are doing lately to break such esoteric browser features as "the arrow keys make the page go up and down" and "the Home and End keys work", i wish you would kindly reconsider.


no yeah it's 100% reasonable i have to go to a separate subsection of the university website to calculate my current GPA, separate from the grade report site, that's reasonable, definitely couldn't just... *gestures* anything that.


Please abduct me from this curs'ed land, slender noise king

thinking about fucking around and becoming one of those girls with exclusively song lyrics tshirts

Hung out in the trans/enby space at my uni tonight and I ended up socializing a lot so that was fun!

Had the most white customer ever. Dude asked if we had the spicy salami. Didnโ€™t quite understand and thought he meant like the peppered salami. Then he was all โ€œI see it now! Right there the Genoa salami.โ€ Fucking genoa salami.

D&D, gender dynamics, fantasy races 

I honestly find it really weird / uncomfortable that the official guidelines are that (man, woman) == human, and that every single other race you're supposed to say (male/female) (race).

My current solution is that i always use role-based descriptors (man, woman, person, etc.) and try to avoid naming races entirely, but if necessary will use them [i]including[/i] on humans (imperials).

Gotta find my ereader again, i feel like my Monday and Wednesday breaks would be great time to catch up on articles and such

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!