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Me: i shall say heck over hell, for it is less strong a word and in fact sounds better
Also me: i shall casually say fuck now

Food, song lyrics, caps 


sure i could spend half an hour doing anything productive [i]or[/i] i could fuck around with picking that perf notification sound and become even more powerful


Eating half a cold pizza for breakfast because d&d leftovers


This truck next to our bus had a graphic on the back with two grim reapers and it said "keep texting... We'll see you soon! DANGER HEAVY LOAD" and I'm real mad i couldn't get a picture of it

Women on campus keep complimenting my heart sunglasses and now my dusty fuchsia hair so i think I'm doing something right

Was wondering why i was so wired then remembered I've been drinking coffee all day and i have d&d tonight so I'm 2000% ready

Dungeons and dragons, if you're my players please don't read this 

Running a 6-player game tonight which is a thing i haven't done since high school, and surely will not end in ruin

Definitely isn't a lethal encounter to throw a CR 5 and CR 6 boss at 6 lvl 4 characters at once

It is i, the only millenial furry who has not seen Disney's Robin Hood

@fillertrack i wasn't aware that there are literally more than two women in One Piece

It is i, the only millenial furry who has not seen Disney's Robin Hood

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!