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in the process of two friends linking me music my entire 30-track "energize" playlist has been trashed and replaced with four songs thanks???

lewd, ttrpg / d&d 

all DMs are bottoms, power bottoms at most

Saving hundreds of dollars to finally commission the most accurate furry art for me: depicting dancing but in a way that nobody could possibly mistake as "good" or "cool"

Flung a spoon at my eye. My bosses now know how much of a klutz I am. Great. Lol

i have like a perfect streaming setup and i like literally never stream what's wrong with me

gonna buy some underwear online to feel better about absolutely owning myself

@ink_slinger i keep trying this every once and a while and it just never works. I hate that literally every company that you give your email to *will* spam you.

Nobody could possibly dunk on me harder than groggy 10am me locking myself out of the bedroom in a bath robe

Dysphoria things, death, extremely-, sorry these feelings are really rough. personally, i think you're really awesome, and that's not because of any archetype you do or don't fit into. you're awesome being who you are, no comparison needed.

Itโ€™s only right to force my girlfriend to marathon Steven Universe.

As much as i love supernatural bullshit i think this series really nailed using the supernatural stuff as metaphor for character drama

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Watching a series like this leaves me in a bit of an afterglow state, crying feels extremely good

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Well Haunting of Hill House made me cry like 6 times so that's a two-thumbs-up from me.

Just, look up CWs first, it's got some rough stuff in it.

wishing telegram would implement a nudge feature and just fully become msn messenger 2019 like its true destiny is to be

trying not to be mad about how few good rabbit sticker packs are on telegram

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!