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Thinking more about how cool Shadow of Destiny actually is and how i have to play it at least six more times to get all endings and how that's neat

Sincerepost yeah, that's a big worry of mine too. Don't really have any good answers, just solidarity

Thinking about how fucked up it is that if you're poor you will never be allowed a dish washing machine in your rental unit and how that punishes those with less into having even less free time

Love having my vocabulary absolutely ruined by my favorite media and then having to explain why i keep saying "ring ading ding baby" whenever somebody gets a question right

I was gonna go to Michael's tomorrow for perler beads but maybe I'll just go tonight! Who knows!

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It's like just below zero today and I'm honestly so happy to have a break from the freezing cold. i might just take an hour long walk tonight if it keeps up because fuck I've been so tired of the cold

Aha! You tried to defeat me today windows, but it was [b][i]I[/i][/b] who was ready for [i]you[/i]! No sonic damage for me today!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!