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@fillertrack my theory is that they wanted to use his computing power to solve new logics

windows had the nerve to go to 100% and i think my soul almost left my body

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very cool of windows to pump my headphone volume up to 80% overnight, in an attempt to murder me with sound

Thinking again about how much 11-year-old me thought Clockstoppers was the coolest fucking film

I imitate solid snake far too often for somebody who has only played Metal Gear Rising

My playlist suddenly dumping blink-182 into my ears exactly as i look up and see somebody half-heartedly kickflip a skateboard is such a mood

Extremely cursed, religion, joke 

The only Halo i need is the one granted by God unto his Angels

I forgot the word spine today and instead said 'bone rope' in front of all of my work colleagues

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!