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i think i've tried like 8 different brands of beer and people tell me they're different but they all taste IDENTICAL to me


@lighttrax taste is bad a lot of the time, yeah. for instance, i think beer tastes disgusting.


i can't remember the last time i had alcohol. i wanna say... summer last year?

spacechem is making me feel not smart (not that i ever thought i was smart but still)


you are lovely and deserve the best

toot (8 subtoots)
supertoot (1024 toots)
megatoot (1024 supertoots)
gigatoot (1024 megatoots)

you know what's a good but underused word? crepuscular.

tfw you enjoy a game but you're so bad at it you can't really play it :(

i don't like how people refer to everything as "boys" or "bois" these days

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!